Coming-of-age stories Bildungsroman Coming-of-age stories
Simply put: Coming of age story What is bildungsroman? It is a novel tracing the moral, psychological or social development and growth of the main character (protagonist) usually from childhood to maturity. Simply put: Coming of age story
The journey A Bildungsroman is a story of the growing up of a sensitive person who looks for answers to his questions through different experiences. Generally, such a novel starts with a loss or a tragedy that disturbs the main character emotionally. He or she leaves on a journey to fill that vacuum. During the journey, the protagonist gains maturity gradually and with difficulty. Usually, the plot depicts a conflict between the protagonist and the values of society. Finally, he or she accepts those values and they are accepted by the society, ending the dissatisfaction. Such a type of novel is also known as a coming-of-age novel.
The Coming-of-Age Theme Many realistic stories depict their protagonist growing up or coming of age. The coming-of-age stories typically trace the protagonist's growth from a self-absorbed, immature individual into an expansive, mature human being concerned with the welfare of others, and his/her place in the world scheme. In good realistic fiction, the characters possesses a clearly defined personality and exhibits growth during the course of the story. Their growth of self-awareness usually comes with struggling, pain, and even suffering. In children's stories, the protagonist usually reaches a higher level of maturity and a greater sense of self-awareness by the book's end, but has not achieved adulthood.
Where did it come from? The Bildungsroman (the novel of personal development or of education) originated in Germany in the latter half of the 18th century and has since become one of the major narrative genres in European and Anglo-American literature.
Bil - dungs - ro- man From Bildungs (“formation”) and Roman (“novel”) Meaning: “novel of education” or “novel of formation”
Pattern of the bildungsroman 1. Leaves home 2. Undergoes stages of conflict and growth 3. Is tested by crisis or an event 4. Evolves or matures
Conventions of Bildungsroman Protagonist is forced away from home on a journey Undergoes psychological/moral growth Goal is maturity Self-discovery Conflict with society Themes of grand struggle
Examples Hunger Games Harry Potter Ender’s Game Artemis Fowl Lord Of The Rings Game of Thrones