Act 2 Scene 2 2/12/18
Read Act 2 Scene 2 out loud as a class Translation activity Today’s Goals Discuss role reversal Read Act 2 Scene 2 out loud as a class Translation activity
Role Reversal Remember, that in Shakespeare’s time, women could not perform on the theater stage. So men had to play all the women’s parts In one of Shakespeare’s plays (As You Like It) there is a male actor playing a female character who has to disguise herself as a guy. Whew!
Watch this clip In your reflection notes, think back to Flute and his complaint against playing a woman character. Why do you think it was such a hard thing for a man to play a woman’s part?
Characters: The Lovers They used to date but D$ was like, suh, my homeboy Egeus got a hot daughter and she needs to be wed, so I volunteer as tribute (also, I hate Lys) Characters: The Lovers Helena OBSESSIVELY Demetrius Hermia Lysander Egeus (father) Act 1 scene 1
Role Call Girls must play the male roles Titania Boys must play the female roles Fairy 1 Chorus Do this seriously- don’t try to be funny, try reading your lines the way they were expected to be. Fairy 2 Oberon Lysander Hermia Puck Demetrius
Characters: The Lovers Helena OBSESSIVELY Demetrius Hermia Lysander Nobody loves the person that loves them Act 2 scene 2
Reflection Questions What was it like to hear/play the opposite sex? What challenges did you face as a performer/listener?
Goal #3: Transcribe: Rewrite the Script Rationale: One of the highest forms of compliments is mimicry. By recreating the scene, students will be able to not only understand what is happening in the play, but will also be able to observe HOW Shakespeare does what he does with the text. Assignment: Students will choose one of the following options in their groups to develop and later present
Options Write and perform a shortened modern-day version of the scene Perform a sports cast “play by play” report or news report Silent mime Do a rap or song version of the scene Turn it into a dance/musical
Requirements All major characters and events Remain true to the source (don’t add characters or scenes) Demonstrates understanding of the text No more than 5 minutes long, no less than 3 All member participate in the creation and presentation. Creative!