The Roman Republic SSWH 3 :Examine the political, philosophical, and cultural interaction of Classical Mediterranean societies from 700 BCE/BC to 400 CE/AD. A. Compare the origins the Roman Republic.
Map Of Roman Republic
Vocabulary of the Roman Republic 1. Etruscans – people who inhabited early Italy 2. republic – system of government in which officials are chosen by the people 3. patricians – a member of the land-holding upper class 4. consuls – an official from the patrician class who supervised the government and commanded the Army. 5. dictator – ruler who has complete control over the government 6. Plebeians – a members of the class that include farmers, merchants, artisans, 7nd traders 7. tribunes – an official elected by the Plebeians to protect their interests 8. veto – to block laws 9. Legion – basic military unit made up 5,000 men
Roman Society Family – The family was the basic unit of Roman Society. The Male was the head of the household and has ultimate authority Woman - Woman gained greater freedom and influence over the centuries of the Roman Republic Some woman ran businesses, but most worked at home raising the children Education - Both boys and girls learned to read and write Education was highly valued Religion - Gods and Goddesses closely resembled those of Ancient Greece. Religious festivals inspired a sense of community Romans built many temples for worship