TRLN Annual Meeting July 13, 2012
Elsevier boycott RWA FRPAA and White House initiative Gold versus Green Publish contracts The Finch Report (UK)
Scholars pledge to boycott Elsevier As writers, editors and peer-reviewers 12,198 signers (as of 7/5/2012) Complaints: prices, bundling & support for RWA, SOPA Further steps: New OA mathematics journal (Tim Gowers) IMU looking at model publication contract for members.
Wanted to reverse NIH public access mandate Prevent similar federal research funders. Elsevier withdrew support in light of boycott. House sponsors withdrew bill within 2 hours. Who is making our laws?
FRPAA would expand NIH mandate to a dozen more federal agencies that fund research. Currently 34 sponsors in House, bipartisan. White House also considering action RFIs in January We the People petition got over 25,000 signers in 2 weeks. Still listening for a response.
Self-archiving is goal of many faculty authors and all campus OA policies Pub. contracts being revised to making self-archiving more confusing & difficult. ACS v. Elsevier Academic freedom?
Usually means author-pays But many gold OA journals do not change APCs eLife When publishers seem accepting of OA, they mean author-side fee support.
Issued in June & quickly endorsed by publishers groups in UK. Encourages embrace of transition to OA. Recommends funding for APCs (by universities – COPE?). Green recommendations focus on protecting publishers. Wants funders, universities & publishers to negotiate, work together. Counsels caution re. shortened embargo periods.