Complementary input stage with rail-to-rail Vicmr and constant gm aIp Ip aIn 3(Ip-In) aIn a(Ip-In) BP Vbp in+ in- NC1,2 PC1,2 N1 P1 P2 N2 Vi+ Vi- Vi+ Vi- Vi- Vi+ ip+ ip- BN Vbn 3(In-Ip) aIp aIn In aIp a:3 1 2 3 4 a(In-Ip)
Folded cascode stage: summing current and convert to voltage Vxx in+ =+gmn1*vid/2 in- = -gmn1*vid/2 ip+ =+gmp1*vid/2 ip- = -gmp1*vid/2 io1- =ip- - in+ = -(gmp1+gmn1)*vid/2 io1+=ip+ - in- = (gmp1+gmn1)*vid/2 Vo1- = io1- /go1 Vo1+ = io1+ /go1 Vo1d = (Vo1+ -Vo1+ ) = vid *(gmp1+gmn1)/go1 in+ in- Vyy -in+ Vo1+ Vo1- io1-=ip- - in+ Vbb -ip- ip+ ip- Vzz
Dual n-channel input io1- = i- = -(gm1+gms1)*vid/2 Vo1- = io1- /go1 Vo1+ = io1+ /go1 Vo1d = (Vo1+ -Vo1+ ) = vid *(gm1+gms1)/go1 i+ ins+ ins- i- in+ in-
Second stage M4 Vxx M4 M7 M7 Vyy M3 M3 Vbb M2 M2 M6 M6 M1 Vzz M1
Second stage push pull: Monticelli style Vxx M4 M7 M7 Vyy M3 M3 Vbp Vbn Vbb M2 M2 M6 M6 M1 Vzz M1 Requires: VDD-VSS > Vgs6+Vgs7+Vdssat_floating_CS + Vo1 swing Vo1 swing could b2 +- 2~3 time Veff6,7
Unpredictable current in second stage Don’t do M4 Vxx M4 M7 M7 Vyy M3 M3 Vbb M2 M2 M6 M6 M1 Vzz M1 Unpredictable current in second stage
Low Voltage Push-pull output Main goal: make Vo swing from Vss to Vdd. Equivalent to double the output stage gm, ↑gain, GB Make slew rate higher than Io/CL 1:M Io/M Io 1:M Make output Vebo small. When Vo1 swings, say by 2.1Vebo, ICL can be 10xIo! But quiescent Io depends on Vo1Q, and uncontrolled.
In order for M6 and M7 to have well defined quiescent current, we have to bias the circuit so that at Q, Vd2 = Vg6Q to establish correct quiescent current in M6. This must be through current mirror ratio. Problem: Vd2 is a high impedance node, small current mismatch in M1 and M4 leads to significant voltage change at vd2, which in turn changes the biasing current in the output stage. Solution: use feedback to stabilize common mode of Vd2. Vzz
Vzz Vd2L Vd2R Feedback to M4 or part of it Since Vd2L and Vd2R are normally nearly constant. We do not need to worry about the input range accommodation for this circuit. Size the circuit so that, when vid =0, Id6 remain near desired level over all process variations in M1 and M4.
Output quiescent current control by local CMFB. Vo1 CMFB 1:M Itail Io/M Io/M Io 1:M 1:1 match
Output quiescent current control by local CMFB. Vo1 CMFB 1:M Itail Io/M Io/M Io 1:M 1:1 match
Can passive CM detector be use?
M1a+M1b forms diff pair with M2 Vo1+/- swing is about +- 2.# * Vebo, or about +- 0.3 to 0.4 V, so M1a and M1b should have Veb about equal to 2*Vebo. Vb3 should be selected so that M12 is still in saturation when Vo1 drops to a little below Vthn-Vebo. The Veb of M12, M10, and the size of diode connected CMFB1 transistor should be such that M 10 is guaranteed to be in saturation. Note that there is only one high impedance node (Vo1 node) in this CMFB loop, hence the loop UGF can be made high and still maintain good stability.
Vo+ and Vo- also need common mode stabilization M17t and M21t are in triode M21t M17t M21 M17 M18 Vocmd M19 M15 R R C C M20 M16 Choose R to a couple times bigger than Ro Choose C to be near or a couple times larger than Cgs of CMFB circuit.
M:1 1:M Vxx Vxx M:1 1:M Vocmd R R C C
Why RC in common mode detector KCL at V: (V1 – V)/R + (V2 – V)/R = V * sCgs (V1 + V2)/R = V(sCgs + 2/R) V = (V1 + V2)/2 * 1/(1 + sRCgs/2) When |s| =|jw| << 2/RCgs, V ≈ (V1 + V2)/2 Otherwise V is not close to common mode To have CM detector work up to GB, R << 2/(2pGB*Cgs) V1 R V Cgs R V2
Why RC in common mode detector KCL at V: (V1 – V)(1/R +sC) + (V2 – V) (1/R +sC) = V * sCgs (V1 + V2) (1/R +sC) = V(sCgs + 2/R +2sC) V = (V1 + V2)/2 * (1 + sRC)/(1 + sRC + sRCgs/2) As long as Cgs/2 < C, at all freq: V ≈ (V1 + V2)/2 V1 R C V Cgs C R V2 Hence, the RC network acts as a better CM detector
Why CMBF to M17t instead of first stage: For CM behavior, assume DM=0. Vo1+=Vo1-, and Vo+=Vo-=Vocm. Without CMFB effect, at Q, Vo+ will be equal to Vg, which may be far below desired Vocm level. With CMFB connected, the feedback effect will drive Vo1 so as to move Vo+ up to the desired Vocm level. Since Vo1+ and Vo1- have a competing action on Vo+, it may take quite bit Vo1 movement to achieve the desired Vo+ movement, causing the biasing current in the second stage to be much larger than what is intended. Vo1+ Vo1- Vo+ Vg
Compensation for diff signal path’s closed-loop stability Vxx M4 M7 M7 Vyy M3 M3 CC CC Vbb M2 M2 M6 M6 M1 Vzz M1 Standard lead compensation
Alternative compensation: Ahuja Vxx M4 M7 M7 Vyy M3 M3 CC CC Vbb M2 M2 M6 M6 M1 Vzz M1 Also called indirect compensation.
Indirect Feedback - History First proposed by B.K. Ahuja in “AN IMPROVED FREQUENCY COMPENSATION TECHNIQUE FOR CMOS OPERATIONAL-AMPLIFIERS,” Ieee Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 629-633, 1983 However it is still seldom used in practice ?? Looks very similar to Miller compensation Prompts most designers to use design strategy for Miller-Rz compensation However the Indirect Compensation Scheme has different pole/zero locations and conditions that need to be satisfied to tap the true potential of the compensation scheme Thus this work Provides analytical model/solution for the architecture Proposes a design procedure based on the analytical results Design Example using the proposed design procedure Simulation Results show the performance is orders of magnitude higher than miller compensation and far better than state of the art
Indirect Feedback Frequency Compensation Improvements due to a simple change The compensation current is indirectly fedback from low impedance node VA to V1 The RHP pole zero can be eliminated as the feedforward current is blocked by the common gate amplifier Node V1 is now not loaded by the compensation capacitor (as previously) and thus results in a much faster second stage and increased unity gain frequency AND MUCH MORE ………
Small Signal Analysis TAKING KCL AT EACH NODE
Simplified Transfer Function The transfer function can be simplified and approximated as:- The coefficients can be evaluated as Evaluating the poles and zeros Assuming the pole |p1| >> |p2|, |p3| The denominator can now be approximated Real Poles Complex Poles
bserving the Pole/Zero Locations The third order transfer function as 3 poles and 1 zero Dominant Pole location Non-dominant Real Poles location Condition For Real Poles LHP Zero Location Remains at the same location Large gmc ? Improves Phase Margin
Analytical Results Summary Pole / Zero Location Real Poles Condition Extended by a factor >1 Quick Facts Pole p2 moved to much higher frequency Can use much smaller gm5 Less Power LHP zero improves the phase margin Much faster op-amp with lower power and CC Will EXPLORE more ….
Alternative Implementations of Indirect Feedback The common gate amplifier is embedded in the cascode action Similar to the common gate amplifier analyzed in the previous section, the LHP zero and the three poles are given by Equations provided previously Reduction in Power at cost of Flexibility choosing the transconductance of gmc Similar to cascoded PMOS loads However additional RHP zero located at: RHP zero High Frequency
Summarizing the Advantages of Indirect Feedback Pole splitting can be achieved with a much smaller compensation capacitor (Cc) Faster Op Amp Much Smaller Area Lower Value of second stage transconductance (gm5) value required Lower Power and Less Total Current Required Improved PSRR Analytically the reason the non-dominant pole shifted to a higher frequency is because the compensation capacitor now does not load the first stage output.
Pre - Design Procedure Guidelines Good Region For AMI 0.5CN VEB ≈ 0.1-0.2 V To quantify how good of a job our transistor does, we can therefore define the following “figure of merits (FOM) Tranconductor Efficiency Transit Frequency
Indirect Feedback Design Procedure Summary Noise Specification Gain-Bandwidth Requirement Slew Rate Specification Output Swing Specification Real Poles Requirement
Class A Output Stage Design Bad Output Stage Design Not Controlling current in the output stage leads to: Bad input-referred offset Potential for large power dissipation Not controlling output stage gm (and thus stability) Class A output stages also suffer from poor slew rate
Class AB Output Stage Design The Class AB output stage is realized by have a floating current source biased between the output stages transistors behaving like a push pull: Slew Rate Improved during discharging Controlled output stage current and gm Slew rate limitation shifted to the compensation capacitor which is small in the proposed compensation scheme and thus achieves much higher slew rate
Figure of Merit (FOM) To perform a comparison in terms of speed among the many compensation approaches independently of the particular amplifier topology, design choices, and technology, a figure of merit (FOM) that relates the load capacitance CL, the gain-bandwidth product ωGBW, and the total current consumption of the amplifier ITotal has been proposed [ref]. Small Signal FOM DC Transient FOM Single Stage Comparison Total Transcoductance Gm in multi-stage op amp
Design Example – Op Amp Specifications Supply Voltages ± 1.25 V Load Capacitance: CL 100 pF Total Current (max) 30 μA DC gain: Ao 70 dB Unity-gain Frequency: fu 2 MHz Phase Margin: φM 60° Slew Rate: SR 1 V/μs Input Common Mode Range: VCMR ± 1 V Output Swing: Vout {max,min} ± 0.5 V Input Referred Noise 15 nV/√Hz Large Load Very Low Power Good Stability
Design Example – Device Sizing Op Amp Sizing Transistor Multiplier Size (μm) M1,2 2 4.05/0.9 M3,4 3.6/2.4 M5 6 10.05/1.5 M6 12 15/1.05 M7 1.65/1.05 M9,b11 10 1.65/4.05 Mb1 1 Mb2 Mb3 Mb4 2.4/1.05 Mb5 12/1.05 Mb6 Mb7 3/1.2 Mb8 Mb9,10 1.95/0.6 Cc - 5 pF Isupply 1.25uA
Summary of Simulated Results Specification Specifications Simulation DC gain: Ao 70 dB 72.45 dB Unity-Gain Frequency: fu 2 MHz 2.01 MHz Phase Margin: φM 60° 61.83° Slew Rate: SR+/- ± 1 V/μs 1/-2.45 V/μs Input Common Mode Range: VCMR + / VCMR= ± 0.5 V 1.1/-0.75 V Output Swing: Vout MAX/Vout MIN ± 1 V 1.14/-1.1 ITotal 30 μA Power - 75 μW High Speed + Low Power
AC Frequency Response (CL = 100pf) Bandwidth Extension
Large Signal Transient Response (CL = 100pf)
Sine Wave Transient Response (CL = 100pf)
Robustness of Analytical Results Small Error
Alternative Indirect Feedback Compensation Scheme Results Comparison of Alternative Indirect Feedback Compensation Specification Common Gate Cascode NMOS Cascode PMOS DC gain: Ao 72.45 dB 91.1 dB 86.1 dB Unity-Gain Frequency: fu 2.01 MHz 1.99 MHz 2.2 MHz Phase Margin: φM 61.83˚ 61.29˚ 61.7˚ Improved gain due To cascoding Common Gate Cascode NMOS Cascode PMOS
Comparison with Miller Compensation and Single Stage Amplifiers Performance Comparison to Miller Compensation and Single Stage Amplifiers Comparison with Miller Compensation and Single Stage Amplifiers Specification Single Stage Single Miler Compensation Indirect Feedback Compensation DC gain: Ao 36.93 dB 70.45 dB 72.45 Unity-Gain Frequency: fu 1.098 MHz 293.1 KHz 2.01 MHz Phase Margin: φM 90˚ 60.29˚ 61.7˚ Cc Required -NA- 35 pF 5 pF Winner Miller Compensation Indirect Feedback Single Stage
Performance Comparison to Literature
Floor Planning Considerations Orientation of Transistors Power Distribution Routing Ease Current Mirror Matching
Final Layout