Real World Mutations Review: some mutations are dominant, some recessive, and some caused by external factors
Young Professor X, X-Men First Class
Mila Kunis - complete heterochromia - caused by eye inflammation
Kate Bosworth and Benedict Creepypatch-sectoral heterochromia-caused by dominant gene
Angeline Jolie-central heterochromia-caused by dominant gene
Liz Taylor-distichiasis (so purple eyes AND heavy lashes-lucky woman!)
Red Hair and Freckles
Cleft chin-dominant(?) gene
No-Show Wisdom Teeth These are pictures of wisdom teeth. In the first picture, you can see how that wisdom tooth on the bottom is already causing problems in the alignment of the other teeth. Allowed to remian, it could cause a life-threatening infection, crowding of the other teeth, and cavities where the other teeth rub together. Tooth roots are supposed to be fairly straight. As you can see, the wisdom teeth at the top were not going to grown in straight, and had to be removed.