Mercers’ School Memorial Professor of Commerce Michael Mainelli What I Like About This Country Is That It Has A Nice Level Of Corruption!
“Get a detailed grip on the big picture.” Chao Kli Ning Outline A world problem Home truths Transparent definition Cost of Corruption Overtipping Transparently a paradox Solutions? Zero tolerance? “Get a detailed grip on the big picture.” Chao Kli Ning
A World Problem “So far as our institution is concerned, there is nothing more important than the issue of corruption . . . At the core of the incidence of poverty is the issue of equity, and at the core of the issues of equity is the issue of corruption.” James D. Wolfensohn President of the World Bank October 1999 Address to the Ninth International Anti-Corruption Conference in Durban, South Africa, as quoted in The World Bank, Helping Countries Combat Corruption: Progress at the World Bank Since 1997 6 (2000)
Mauritius – Take a Boat
Squeaky Clean
Blacker Than White
Not A Fake Copy
Quality Copy
Transparent Definition “the misuse of entrusted power for private gain”
Banking On Corruption
Equality and Property
Costs of Corruption
[Source:] Agency Theory [Source:]
Agency Problem!
No Option?
Community Service
Wanga Manga
Zero Tolerance?
Civility or Corruption?
Discussion Is there a Goldilocks level of corruption – not too much, not too little, but just right? Would absolutely no corruption mean absolute gridlock?
“Get a big picture grip on the details.” Chao Kli Ning What I Like About This Country Is That It Has A Nice Level Of Corruption! Thank you! “Get a big picture grip on the details.” Chao Kli Ning