Presentation of the «ND» Group of Companies: Filling stations and petroleum storage depots automation systems offer Kiev, 2011
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions Presentation plan 1.A general scheme of the proposed decision complex of the «ND» GC 2.Possible automation stages of filling stations and petroleum storage depots 3.Description of automation stages of the company: - level of filling stations (fuel-filling columns, automatic fuel stations) - level of Central/control office (CO) - level of petroleum storage depot/storage plant - combination of systems into a single complex 2
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 3 A general scheme of the proposed «ND» complex
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 2. Possible recommended automation stages 1. Providing of single technological operation cycle: control system (CS) – cash register (SECR) – fuel distribution panel; 2. Organization of information exchange between CS of filling station and CO - arrangement of operative management accounting using software; 3. Introduction and integration of automated cashless systems into a single complex - payment, bonus, loyal, coupon; 4. Introduction of automated commercial fuel accounting on the filling station by means of level gages – installation of level gages with function of density estimation of oil product (OP); 5. Automation of OP intake /storage/delivery on petroleum storage depot– introduction of software and hardware complex; 6. Integration into a single automated complex of all systems and subsystems. 4
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions Automation level of filling stations - installation of specialized cash register «ND-797» (SECR) with built-in control system of fuel distribution panel and fuel processor (controller); -installation of terminals of payment «NGC» and bank systems; -connection of terminals to SECR according to communication protocol; -connection of SECR to fuel distribution panel; -installation of counterparts of office accounting system «ND-OFFICE» on SECR; -connection and communication adjustment of SECR with CO in real time mode; -installation of ultrasonic level gage «UUS-01», substitution of gauge sticks; -connection of level gages to SECR, connection of the «ND-OFFICE» functional, working with fuel charts; -organization of commercial accounting of fuel based on readings of level gages (task of two levels: filling station and CO). 5
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 6 Automation level of filling stations: operator's position
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions Automation level of filling stations: hardware complex 7
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions Automation level of filling stations: software complex 8
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions ***In case of installation of Automatic Payment Terminal (APT) autonomous or built-in fuel distribution panel – whole equipment and software, except level gages, are a part of single product – APT. Therefore, many stages can be done simultaneously and at once. ***АPТ can be used independently as well as in set with «ND SELF-POS» monitoring and dispatching system. ***The «ND SELF-POS» system can be integrated into the «ND-OFFICЕ» system and supplied as unified whole. 9 Automation of filling station level: ND SELF-POS complex
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 10 Automation of filling station level: the ND SELF-POS scheme
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 11 Automation of filling station level: SECR installation Characteristic features of fiscal part Fiscal block is based on EPSON TM-T260 printer (reliable equipment, convenient loading of paper, availability of reserve fund, quality service); serial casing, convenient design; open protocol fuel processor; various communication interfaces under various fuel distribution panels; pulsed power supply.
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 12 Automation of filling station level: installation of terminals Offer – «NGC» payment systems -availability of maximum number of decisions according to systems: payment, bonus, loyal, coupon; -system work in on-line mode; -use of noncontact RFID-cards for identification of client; -cheap practical terminal with offset reader of cards.
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 13 Automation of filling station level: installation of level gages Advantages of proposed level gages - calibration interval for 2 years (rivals – 1 year); - periodic verifications can take place directly on object (special imitator is developed and verification can be carried out without dismantling of probes, rivals – dismantling and export); -central block of level gage is unified: more than 64 probes of different type can be simultaneously connected to one (immersion,surface contact, air, OPW probes); - absence of moving members, elimination of mechanical wear factor.
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 14 Automation of filling station level: installation of level gages Operational experience in Ukraine
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 15 Automation of Central office level : installation of the «ND OFFICE» complex Complex characteristic features -«ND-OFFICE» - a chief part of the decision for automation of network and business in general; -the product is designed for automation of operation of company (office) control structure; -automates an operative management accounting of movement of goods and fuel in filling station; -maintains a volume-weight tank method of fuel accounting, partial fuel and goods accounting; -integrated with bookkeeping and other accounting systems, used by customer.
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 16 Automation of Central office level : installation of the «ND OFFICE» complex -complex works in real time mode: all measures can be carried out simultaneously for all network or selectively on objects; -all filling stations exchange with Central office in double-sided mode according to regulations, fixed at system adjustment; -complex can be configured under three-level structure : filling station – Central office – Control office; -exchange format at three-level structure between Central office and Control office can be prescribed (for example, ); -motor of on-line exchange of transaction system of the «ND-OFFICE» provides possibility of operation in conditions of bad signal: data are archived, divided into parts, integrity of data obtained is controlled, operator is warned about data transfer process (optional function).
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 17 Automation of CO level: software complex
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 18 Automation of CO level: working schemes with goods and fuel Fuel movement scheme in the «ND-OFFICE» Goods movement scheme in the «ND-OFFICE» -«ND-OFFICE» provides work with goods and fuel taking into account all requirements of the branch; -data movement of goods and fuel in the «ND-OFFICE» system is organized according to generally accepted standardized schemes.
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 19 Automation of filling station : the «ND-OFFICE» base functional
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 20 Automation of petroleum storage depots: purposes of the introduction of the «ND-OIL» system The main purpose of the «ND-OIL» software and hardware complex is minimizing of risks at petroleum storage depot operation. General for all petroleum storage depots are risks: 1.Non-conformance of actual and documentary OP income; 2.Overflows, unaddressed loading, incorrect equipment operation and accident conditions; 3.Absence of leak monitoring, connected with pipeline and tank damage, and also with staff negligence; 4.Risk of ecological accident or fire.
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 21 Automation of petroleum storage depots: purposes of the introduction of the «ND-OIL» system 1. Management and control efficiency increasing of technological processes; 2. Decreasing of loss of petroleum products at intake, storage and shipment by means of increasing of accounting and measuring accuracy, control of contract processes; 3. Obtaining of prompt and accurate information about technological process and equipment condition; 4. Increasing of working efficiency of maintained staff; 5. Operative localization and blocking of emergency sections and equipment; 6. Reliability and operating life of technological equipment improvement; 7. Safety improvement of technological processes; 8. Obtaining of documents, reflecting of actual state of affairs (reports, protocols).
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 22 Automation of petroleum storage depots: reference for the «ND-OIL» introduction stages 1. Automatic level measuring systems (control of surplus accumulation); 2. Weight gages, density gages, volumeter and counters (control of pay off surplus); 3. Document workflow in fact (surplus and deficiencies accounting); 4. Full automation (systems: transport identification, control of access, video monitoring and videoinspection, weighing equipment *). Note: Already three first automation stages allow decreasing of annual loss to 0,4% and are economically effective. In practice, automation cost on the first three stages makes up 80% from the cost of full automation. * Weighing equipment is not given into account
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 23 Automation of petroleum storage depots: the «ND- OIL» document workflow system Document workflow scheme to the «ND-OIL» software
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 24 Automation of petroleum storage depots: architecture of the «ND-OIL» software 1. Necessarily the availability of equipment server for organization of communication with technological equipment with the purpose for information obtaining about parameters of technological processes and condition of the equipment itself; 2.Database server for organization of exchange is used, guaranteeing reliable accumulation, storage and selection with high speed of necessary information from data directory and fields; 3. Control and synchronization device looks after priority of operating mode of complex (for example, accident conditions have high priority, and reporting – the lowest, not to influence the controlled technological processes) and allow increasing of operation speed by means of arrangement of data flow in the system; 4. Interface block with accounting systems is necessary for correct protected information exchange with other software tools, used by customer (1С, others). The «ND-OIL» software structural scheme
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 25 Automation of petroleum storage depots: full «ND-OIL» scheme
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 26 Example of the «ND» unified decision complex
Competitive advantages of the «ND» complex decisions 27 Presentation summary The «ND» GC decisions in unified complex allow : -identify actual loss level even within the limits of natural waste; -show minimizing ways of loss; -identify and reveal abuses, and also stop possible theft channels. «NEFTEGAZ TEK», LLC in the name of the «ND» GC offers optimal decision according to ratio of price/functionality/quality. Complex automation of business with the use of promising decisions – reliable investment into the future development and increasing of business efficiency.