April 8th, 2014 Click to Add Subtitle
Advanced Physics Starter: get out SMQ calculator, book and place to do practice problems Today’s learning targets: 4-6 Unit 9 “2nd Chance” – today after school Continue 2nd part of unit 9, projectiles launched at an angle Example problem, pg. 159 Practice problems, pg. 160 (For a grade, please show me these when completed)
Advanced Physics Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 Donna Brad Jesse Kim Christian Gage Meagan Ashley B Michaela Austin Kayla Becky Dakota Brian Bo Miranda Claar Antonia 7 8 9 10 Ashley T Conner Zack Johnny Destiny Hannah Paige Kelsey Chaylen Whitney Courtney
2nd Period Chemistry I Starter: turn in hmwk; in your notes, find the atomic mass of: S NaCl H2SO4 Reminder: Begin bringing non-graphing scientific calculator to class EVERY day Today’s learning targets: 1, 2, 4, 5 New skill: atomic mass vs. molar mass 10-1 practice problems Unit 8 “2nd Chance”: today after school Make up Unit 9 LC#1: today after school 10-1 review/reinforcement wkst due Thursday
Astronomy Starter: get out SW/APOD sheet SW/APOD Today’s learning targets: 6-8 Give out Mars crossword – due Thursday Continue: Mars
Conceptual Physics Starter: get out notes organizer sheet and Unit 9 LC#1 Today’s learning targets: 5-7 Finish Unit 9 Learning Check #1 analysis Review: Universal Law of Gravitation Reading: 12.6 Universal Gravitation Hmwk due Thursday: pg. 180 (11-14)
What would happen to your weight if… Your mass doubled? Earth’s mass doubled? Both #1 and #2? You were three times as far from Earth’s center as you are now?
AP Chemistry Daily Weekly Starter: get out lecture 35 Continue lecture 35 Begin wkst 35 Chem days: T and Th
7th Period Chemistry I Starter: turn in hmwk; in your notes, find the atomic mass of: S NaCl H2SO4 Reminder: Begin bringing non-graphing scientific calculator to class EVERY day Today’s learning targets: 1, 2, 4, 5 New skill: atomic mass vs. molar mass 10-1 practice problems Unit 8 “2nd Chance”: today after school Make up Unit 9 LC#1: today after school 10-1 review/reinforcement wkst due Thursday
SLC: AP Chem Electrochemistry free response practice
SLC: Math Compass prep Practice problems