Smart IoT Sprinkler System Galib F. Rahman Faculty Mentor: Dr. Xiaohai Li Robotics Research Lab Computer Engineering Department INSTRUCTIONS: Insert text in text boxes as indicated on the template. You can modify color, background, font, font size, etc. by using PowerPoint features noted in the tabs. You can add borders around text boxes and you can add lines or other graphics where desired. To add more text boxes, you can copy an existing one and move it to the desired location. You can add any graphic by dragging it onto the slide or by copying/pasting it. Be sure that your graphic has high dots per inch. Images/graphics must be cited if not original work. Use Sans Serif fonts for Titles, labels and section headers. Use Serif fonts for text in text boxes. CONTENT: *Introduction, Background, and/or Abstract (a place to quickly summarize your topic and trigger your audience’s interest). Usually in narrative, paragraph format. *Materials and Methods or Process (a place to describe your process and what led to your results). Using bullet points can be a helpful way to present information. *Results (the place where the results of your experiment are explained). Using bullet points can be a helpful way to present information. *Conclusions or Discussion (the place where you explain why your results are conclusive and provide the reader with a short but solid justification of your hypothesis). Usually in narrative, paragraph format. *References or Literature Cited (This is where you make a list of the literature you have cited regarding this project. List the names of authors, publications and publishing dates.) To save space, consider noting “selected references” – those references essential to the project. Citation style must follow rules designated by discipline, e.g., MLA, APA, etc. *Acknowledgments (this is where you acknowledge grants and research programs. Also, use this section to thank the people who helped with your project. Can sometimes include your Contact Information) *Depending on your type of research and where you are in your project, you may have to use some variation of the above. Abstract IBM Watson™ IoT Platform IBM Watson™ IoT Platform provides access to IoT devices and develop analytic applications. This platform enables the user to perform device management operations, storage and access of device data and secure communication over MQTT & TLS. The average family spends more than $1000 in water costs per year. One-way water is commonly wasted in many households is via inefficient sprinkler systems for lawns. Current technology has enabled the development of automatic sprinkler systems, which can be preconfigured to operate at desired times of day and intervals. Although these systems may reduce the amount of water utilized overall, they are not weather forecast aware. In situations when rainfall is upcoming the systems still water the lawn. In this project, we plan to implement a smart sprinkler system that has full awareness of upcoming weather and take account of environmental conditions in the past and present. We will utilize the latest cloud computing technology and take account of environmental conditions to create a smart dynamic watering solution. Our system will maximize the cost effectiveness and efficiency regarding water utilization and flexibility. Architecture of the Watson IoT Platform What is IoT? IoT, the Internet of Things, is an ecosystem composed of various layers. At the bottom layer, are the devices and sensors, whose main function is to perceive and identify objects, and collect information. Above this layer, is the gateway, which performs as a secure medium between the sensors and devices and the cloud. The analytics, monitoring, and overall management is conducted by the top layer. MQTT : MQ Telemetry Transport MQTT is a messaging protocol designed to minimize network bandwidth and resource requirements which ensuring reliability of data transfer. These characteristics are ideal for constrained devices with low-bandwidth and unreliable networks. This form of data transportation is also ideal for the emerging world of IoT devices, where bandwidth and power are valuable. MQTT was invented by Dr. Andy Standford-Clark of IBM and Arlen Nipper (of Eurotech) in 1999. Wiring Diagram Program Flow Chart The Cloud Computing Stack Currently, this setup to takes in localized data (temperature and soil humidity) to determine whether or not to activate the solenoid to allow water to pass through the sprinkler. The goal is to transfer the localized data to the cloud using IBM Watson™ IoT Platform. Then, we will acquire weather data (in regards to the forecasted precipitation using the OpenWeatherMap API.) Particle Cloud The Particle Photon is microcontroller board housing a powerful STM32 ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller and a Cypress Wi-Fi chip. The Particle Cloud enables this microcontroller to be programmed remotely (using the Particle Web based IDE), transmit local and remote data, and access over multiple Particle devices- and control over the Particle App.. Components References • Particle Photon • Text LCD 1602 • Text IIC LCD Backpack • DF Robot Gravity: Analog LM35 Temperature Sensor v.2 • DF Robot Gravity: Analog Soil Moisture Sensor v. • Solenoid • MJE3055T N-Channel MOSFET • 1N4001 Diode