The Sexual Revolution, It’s fallout and the Churches response. Eph 5: 1-17 I Thess. 4: 1-8
Eph 5:3 But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. The Sexual Revolution, also known as a time of Sexual Liberation, was a social movement that challenged traditional codes of behavior related to sexuality and interpersonal relationships throughout the United States and subsequently, the wider world, from the 1960s to the 1980s. Sexual liberation included increased acceptance of sex outside of traditional heterosexual, monogamous relationships (primarily marriage). The normalization of contraception and the pill, public nudity, pornography, premarital sex, homosexuality, and alternative forms of sexuality, and the legalization of abortion all followed.[
Changes in Americans’ attitudes about sex: Archives of Sexual Behavior, “Changes in American Adults’ Sexual Behavior and Attitudes, 1972–2012,” premarital sex: “In the early 1970s, 29% of Americans believed that premarital sex was ‘not wrong at all.’ This rose to 42%in the 1980s and rose to 49% in the 2000s and to 55% in the 2010s. Same-sex relationships and practices: : “Among 18- to 29-year-olds, In the 70’s , 21% believed same-sex sexual activity was ‘not wrong at all,’ compared to 26% in the early 1990s and 56% in the 2010s.” The number of sexual partners people reported having has increased: The “total number of sexual partners since age 18 increased from 7.17 in 1980s to 11.22 in the 2010s .” Rates of casual sex have also increased: “Among 18- to 29-year-olds , non-partner sex, 35% reported this in the 1980s, compared to 45% of the same age group by 2010s .” The marriage rate in the U.S. reached a 93-year low in 2014…. More than 40% of babies were born to unmarried mothers in 2012, up from 5% in 1960.”
Changes in Americans’ attitudes about sex: Premarital Sex: Trends in Premarital Sex in the US, 1954–2003 Studies suggest that That 70% of adolescent females and 65% of adolescent males have had sex by age 19. The results of the analysis indicate that premarital sex is now our normative behavior. Not only is premarital sex nearly universal by age 30, but it is also very common at much younger ages..
Changes in Americans’ attitudes about sex: Cohabitation: Facts & Stats You Need to Know Just over 50% of first cohabiting couples ever get married. In the US and in the UK, couples who live together are at a greater risk for divorce than non-cohabiting couples. Couples who lived together before marriage tend to divorce early in their marriage. Cohabiting couples had a separation rate 5 times that of married couples and a reconciliation rate that was 1/3rd that of married couples. Cohabiting couples are more likely to experience infidelity. Cohabiting couples tend to have an overall poorer relationship quality. More fighting and violence and less reported happiness. Reporting higher levels of depression and substance abuse.
Changes in Americans’ attitudes about sex: More Stats On Cohabitation Before Marriage May 20, 2017 Over the past 5 decades, cohabitation has increased by almost 900%. Over 70% of Americans think Cohabitation is a good thing before marriage. In 2012, census information shows that there were 7.8 million couples that were living together in the US. 5 million more couples than 1996 data showed. Nearly 900k couples in the US who are cohabiting are aged 50 or older. All studies show that there is no benefit to cohabitation in reducing divorce rates or encouraging long-term marriages
Changes in Americans’ attitudes about sex: Real results of a Sexual Free Society….. Abortion. more than 58 million unborn children have lost their lives. Repeat abortions: 44.2% of women having abortions have had at least 1 previous abortion. 11% report 2 previous abortions and 8.6% report 3 abortions or more. Marriage Married women accounted for 14.7% of abortions in the 36 states reporting marital status, with 85.3% of aborting women being unmarried. Pornography : ( epidemic level ) Homosexuality.. ( Same sex marriage ) Sex has defined who we are as a people and a society. These attitudes and values have not only changed the world but they have also changed the church.
I Thessalonians 4: 1-8 Vr. 1-2 Will we live by the instruction of God’s word? Vr. 3-6 This is the Will of God….. Abstain from Sexual Immorality. ( This is a choice ) Control your flesh with a desire to honor Christ first. God’s people won’t live like those who don’t know Him. That our actions toward others will be judged by The Lord. Vr. 7 God has not redeemed us so we can live in Sin! Vr. 8 If we reject this we reject God and we deny the Holy Spirits work. Will we “ Vr. 1 receive instruction as to how we are to walk and please God” Will we take what God has shown us and simply say yes Lord?