Nate Mack Elementary 2019 1
Give me 5!
Why are we here today? Make sure that the school is a fun and safe place to learn. Review rules students have forgotten. Introduce new rules.
Coming To School
All Students Need to Be at School Coming to school every single day is important. Coming to school on time is essential to having a good day and doing your best learning. Your grades are affected when you’re not here!
Arrive no earlier than 7:40 unless you are part of a special program. WALK bikes on school grounds, sidewalks, and parking lots. Make sure you lock up your bike and your helmet. Leave your skateboards at home. If you’re eating breakfast at school, go straight to the multipurpose room.
Follow playground rules for games and behavior. When playing on the field: 1st -3rd grade students stay on the left side of the field 4th-5th grade students stay on the right side of the field Line up with your class OUTSIDE when the bell rings. 1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th, 5th
Playground Equipment Before School Classes using their own ball should have a “ball monitor” to ensure classroom balls are used responsibly and returned to the classroom. All PE equipment must be returned to the baskets when the bell rings. Staff on duty will monitor student behavior and equipment. This PhotoThis Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Hallway Behavior WALK on the right-hand side of the hallway. Be silent. Face forward. Keep hands folded or at sides. Respect hallway displays. 10
Lunchroom WALK quietly into the lunchroom. Stay seated and use inside voices. Raise your hand for help. Collect your own trash. Close your milk carton. Put your trash gently in the trash can as it comes by behind you. Check you floor and pick up any additional trash. Follow directions to exit QUIETLY. 11
Playground Safety 12
Play only games you know from P.E. Only climb on playground equipment. Don’t play games that involve touching other students. Walk on the blacktop.
There is no food allowed out a recess. When the bell rings, all students FREEZE. When the whistle blows, students WALK to their classroom line and follow teachers’ directions. Students with balls must walk them to the basket and carefully set them inside.
Bathroom Behavior Use a quiet voice. Always flush. Wash your hands. Do not splash or play. Use one paper towel. Put trash in the trash can. Go directly back to class. 15
End of the Day Dismissal Teachers dismiss students, bells don’t. Walking home: go straight home without delay. Safekey: use back entrance to MP Room. Bus: go around outside, through the side gate and directly onto the bus. Kiss and Drop Pick up: go to the gate; move to the sidewalk and wait for assistance when you see your car.. Parent Pick up: have a meeting spot and use the same gate. After-school Activity: report directly to the classroom DO NOT go to the office without permission from a staff member.
What are the consequences for not following rules and directions? Any teacher or staff member can give a citation. Citations are automatically sent home for parents to sign. 3 citations= a visit to the office ☹ Big problems will result in an immediate office behavior referral.
What happens when students do a good job? 18
Mack money 19
Use your LIFE SKILLS and your teacher will reward you! You can earn up to $5 a week…OR MORE! Use your money at the Mack Money store during recess on Friday. Buy cool prizes in your class. Pay for the Mountain Lion Monthly. Buy Pony Express Supplies. Purchase special privileges for big bucks Use your money at the end of year raffle And more. . . (wait and see!) 20
Let’s see how well you listened! We will ask a question. You will see 3 answers. Put your fingers up to show the right answer! 21
What should you do when the bell rings at recess? Walk to the line Run to your teacher Freeze 22
When in line, students should. . . Face forward Wrestle to get in front Run 23
If you are eating breakfast at school, you should go directly to the Kiss and drop area Breakfast area in the MP room Classroom This PhotoThis Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
2019 is going to be a great year! 25