Subtitle or explanation Your Name Collins Elementary Section Science Fair Title Subtitle or explanation Your Name Collins Elementary Section
Question State the problem in a question form – what are you trying to answer?
Hypothesis Write an “If ..., then” statement that explains what you think will happen in your investigation (your prediction).
Materials Make a list Of all the things You need to Conduct your Investigation
Procedure 1. Explain the steps you are going to take to investigate your question. It is also good to include pictures if you can.
Procedure 2. When you write your procedure, make sure to include every step. 3. Don’t forget that you need to conduct at least 3 trials for reliable data.
Procedure 4. If you need more than these three slides to explain your Procedure, just click Duplicate Slide to make another one just like this one.
Variable & Controls Tell the 1 thing that you will changing in your experiment. This is your Variable. List the many things that will stay the same in your experiment. These are all Controls.
Title of Your Data Chart Variable Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average 10 cm 39 40 20 cm 29 30 31 30 cm 25 24 40 cm 21
Data - Graph
Results Explain what the data you measured from the experiment means in words. You can start out saying “My data shows that ...”
Conclusion Compare your results to your hypothesis and explain what you learned in this investigation. My hypothesis was (right or wrong). I learned that (3 things) ...
Application How can you use what you’ve learned in this investigation in the real world? This information can be helpful in the real world because...
References Find at least 3 books, websites, or people to give you more information about your topic. Force and Motion by Peter Lafferty Ms. Ramos, science teacher