Welcome to Sixth Grade! McClure 607
About the Teacher! My name is Megan McClure. I graduated from Ole Miss, but I am a Mississippi State fan! I teach 6th Grade Social Studies and English.
Rules & Procedures: Waiting in line before class Wait in a single-file line in the THIRD block of the hallway by my door. I will come and greet you when the bell rings. When entering the classroom, come into the classroom quietly, take your backpack to your desk, and take out what you need for the day.
Rules & Procedures: Where do I put my stuff? Once you have unpacked everything, the books you will need for the class should be stacked neatly next to your workspace. If you have a backpack, hang it on the back of the chair. If you do not have a backpack, stack your books and papers neatly underneath your desk.
Rules and Procedures: Sharpening a Pencil If you need to sharpen a pencil during class, raise your hand, and ask. Do NOT ask to sharpen your pencil while I am teaching or speaking.
Rules & Procedures: Using the Restroom Students are NOT allowed to use the restroom in between classes. We will have designated times throughout the day for restroom breaks. Avoid using the restroom when I am talking with the class. You may use the restroom during class time IF you cannot wait until class ends. Each student will receive 4 restroom passes each semester. After your restroom passes are used, you will not be allowed to leave during class time, unless it is an emergency. ALWAYS sign out and sign back in when using the restroom, or leaving the classroom. You MUST take a hall pass. Only ONE student may be out of the classroom at a time.
Rules & Procedures: Food and Drinks You MAY bring a water bottle to school. You should keep this on the floor, not on the desk. No other food or drinks will be allowed in the classroom.
Rules & Procedures: If you have a question.. If you have a question, please raise your hand. If I am teaching, please wait until I am finished explaining or giving directions. If you have a question during work time and you need help and/or are confused, raise your hand and I will be happy to help you!
Rules & Procedures: Exiting for class change We will usually begin putting away materials a few minutes before we leave for the next period. Your desk, chair, and floor area MUST be clean before you leave. I will dismiss you when I see that you are ready and your desk area is clean. DO NOT jump up when the bell rings. I dismiss you, NOT the bell.
Rules & Procedures: Walking in the hallway Be respectful of others. When you walk in the hallway, stay on the third block and walk quietly in a single-file line.
Rules & Procedures: If you are tardy.. Always check in with the office.
Rules & Procedures: If you are absent.. You should check the class website or call a classmate to get all of your work assignments. Please check in with me OR refer to the Make-Up Work files, so that you can receive any materials you missed. Classwork missed due to an excused absence must be made up promptly. Generally, you will be given ONE day to make up work for each day that you are absent. Tests can be made up during Study Hall or during other times available for the teacher or student. It is up to YOU to find out what you missed and turn in any work that you missed, or that was due when you were absent.
Rules & Procedures: How to head your paper Student Number Rules & Procedures: How to head your paper Name Date (ex. August 1, 2016 Class Period Assignment
Rules & Procedures: Where to keep your papers and handouts Keep papers and handouts neatly organized in your folders. All graded assignments will go in a student folder (provided by the teacher). If the grade is below a 65, it MUST be taken home, signed, and returned the following day. Each 9 weeks, the students will get to empty their folders and take home all work done throughout the 9 week period.
Rules & Procedures: Checking your grades Students and parents can conveniently and easily check grades online through the school’s online grading program, PowerSchool.
Bellwork: Bellwork should be done at the start of every class period immediately after entering the classroom. There will be a section in your notebooks specifically for Bellwork, and it will be graded weekly.
Homework: All homework assignments will be posted on the whiteboard in the back of the classroom. Homework will be given only on the days that assignments in class are not finished. I will send out homework if a student needs the extra help. I will send out a Remind message when homework is assigned. Late or missing homework: Turn it into the correct basket. Write “Late” or “Absent” on it if you were absent.
Notebooks: (English Only) Notebooks will be checked EVERY 9 weeks period. They MUST be organized in the correct order with all assignments present. Each section of the notebook should be divided in some way. Order of Notebook: Calendar Rules and Procedures Data Sheet Notebook Check sheet Bellwork Grammar Vocabulary Writing Miscellaneous (Misc.)
Folders: (Social Studies Only) On the outside of the folder: (Name, Social Studies, and Section/Period) Notebook paper inside Folders will be checked and emptied each 9 weeks in class. PLEASE replace if torn/lost Sections: Bellwork, Homework, Classwork, Vocabulary
Follow directions quickly. Be prepared, on time, and on task. Think before you speak. Do your best. Be responsible and respectful.
Behavior Expectations: Students are expected to be respectful of their classmates, teachers, staff, themselves, and all school and personal property. Consequences for behavior: First offense: warning Second offense: checkmark Third offense: parent note or phone call Fourth offense: Write-up Fifth offense: Principal Referral Severe Clause: The teacher reserves the right to have a principal or administrator administer a consequence according to Desoto County Policies. Behavior will be documented on a clipboard each week: 3 checks per week = silent lunch 4 checks per week = parent contact 5 checks per week = after school detention More than 5 checks per week = write up