Ms. Hovious’ 1st Grade Week of: October 22, 2018 skill is main idea. Wed. 10/31- Happy Halloween- parade at 10:00- ½ day dismiss @ 11:30 Thank you to all the parents/guardians that chaperoned the field trip! This week we will continue working on subtraction strategies such as counting back, drawing a picture and using a number line. We will also be practicing touch math with addition. You can practice at home, even at dinner such as you have 8 green beans, if you eat four how many are left? We will be reading “A Big Fish for Max.” The genre of this story is fantasy. Our phonics skill is digraphs sh, th and vowel sound in ball. Our comprehension skill is main idea. This week we be starting our spider unit. We will be exploring the life cycle of spiders, the parts of a spider as well as some fun spider facts. We are working on the narrative genre writing our very own stories using the new Lucy Calkins curriculum. We have been working with writing partners editing their writing. Spelling Words fish, shut, rush, shop, thin, then, with, shell, trash, ship Sight Words catch, no, good, want, put