Causes of Mutations Activity 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Causes of Mutations Activity 2

Causes of Mutations Mutations usually occur in two different ways 1. Randomly 2. Due to something in the environment an organism is exposed to during its lifetime The exposure to the chemical or radiation breaks down the DNA Environmental factors include an organism being exposed to toxic chemicals or some type of radiation Example: Long exposure out in the sun can lead to skin cancer

Inherited versus Acquired Mutations can either be inherited or acquired Inherited Mutations: These mutations are passed from parent to offspring Mutation occurs in the gametes (sex cells) Acquired Mutations: NOT passed from parent to offspring Occur in the body cells The organism develops mutation at some point in their life time Due to exposure to some factor in the environment

Facts: Sickle Cell Anemia An example of an inherited mutation Individual only gets the disease if he/she receives the sickle cell gene from BOTH parents Caused by a substitution of thymine for adenine. Most commonly found in African Americans 1 out of 400 African Americans have sickle cell anemia Symptoms severe pain limiting activity of the individual and can lead to death

Due to the substitution, the protein hemoglobin loses its shape Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells Its job (function) is to carry oxygen to the cells

Article: Managing Sickle Cell Anemia Directions: Read the following article about managing sickle cell anemia. Respond to the following questions DURING your reading of the article: How has medicine been able to better manage individuals with sickle cell anemia? Respond to the following question AFTER you read the article: How does the shape of hemoglobin affect the overall function of blood cells? How about the ability of the body to maintain homeostasis?

Finished Early? Using your knowledge about mutations: How is it that a mutation can lead to disease or death?