Reconstruction 1865-1877.


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Presentation transcript:

Reconstruction 1865-1877

Learning Goal Categorize the effects and consequences of Reconstruction on the United States. In the end, was Reconstruction successful?

1. Reconstruction 1865-1877 a. The time period after the Civil War where the United States sought to rebuild itself physically, socially, and economically. i. Protect newly freed slaves. Readmit Southern states. Rebuild the South? How? ii. Many groups had different ideas… who would win? *** Republican President Lincoln *** The Radical Republicans *** President Lyndon Johnson and Ulysses S. Grant *** African Americans *** The Ex-Confederate Southerners

2. Reconstruction Plans a. Abraham Lincoln’s 10% Plan i. Only 10% of the Southern state had take an oath to never rebel again. - Lincoln wanted wounds to heal quickly. - Many Republicans in his own party were furious! + These were the Radical Republicans.

*** Lincoln is Assassinated!!!!!!! And so is his plan… April 14, 1865

2. Reconstruction Plans… continued… b. Radical Republicans that control Congress try to control Recon: i. R.R.’s were the HARDCORE Republicans; DO NOT LIKE THE OLD SOUTH AT ALL. ii. Completely revolutionize the South socially and politically; power to AAs!! - Breaks South into 5 military districts. c. But President Johnson has a different plan…

2. Reconstruction Plans… continued… c. But President Johnson has a different plan… i. AA’s were not equal to whites. ii. Wanted a very quick reconciliation… - Former Confederates got their property back & rights. - Allowed ex-Confederate leaders to regain power. d. RR’s and Johnson clash BIG TIME. i. RR’s impeach Johnson; not convicted by one vote. ii. RR’s get control of reconstruction from now on. iii. Gen. Grant elected President in 1868.

3. The Good of Reconstruction The Freedman’s Bureau i. Helped poor southern whites and freed slaves adjust to life. - Education, land, jobs. b. Reconstruction Amendments i. 13th, 14th, 15th c. Civil Rights Act overturned Black Codes. i. Same rights as white citizens. d. South broken up into 5 military districts to protect AA rights; martial law.

3. The Good of Reconstruction… continued e. Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny African Americans were elected into political offices in the South; 1,500 total!!!! i. VERY actively participated in the political process. f. Many Northerners went to the South to help in the freedom process. i. New roads, public school system, investment in railroads. ii. Manufacturing surpassed pre-war levels. *** Do the “Were African Americans Really Free During Reconstruction?” DBQ

4. The Bad of Reconstruction Attitudes of Southern whites never really changed. i. Undermined the Reconstruction process. b. Black Codes i. Prevented AA’s from enjoying new freedoms and rights. c. Sharecropping sounded good, but led to debt peonage. i. Free slaves borrowed supplies and land from plantation owners. ii. Had to pay back with interest… became slave to debt.

4. The Bad of Reconstruction d. Freedman’s Bureau was underfunded and not fully supported for long. e. White Terrorism i. Rise of the KKK. Kept AA’s from asserting their rights. Rise of the KKK Not a vocab. word. You don’t have to write this lol. Freedmen were still dependent on their old plantation owners. i. Very few AA’s became actual landowners.

5. The End of Reconstruction Reconstruction has been going on for 12 years… too long. i. Losing interest for a variety of reasons.

5. The End of Reconstruction… continued… Rconstruction has been going on for 12 years… too long. i. Losing interest for a variety of reasons. - Time - A lot of government scandals and corruption. - Panic of 1873: 18,000 companies fail & 5 year depression.

Election of 1876

5. The End of Reconstruction… continued… b. Compromise of 1877 i. Election of 1876 ends in a tie… - Democrats “allow” Republicans to take the Presidency in exchange for… - North takes troops out of South. ii. Reconstruction officially ends in 1877… - Democrats regain power in South; HOME RULE.

6. The Reconstruction Era in Florida After the war in FL… FL fortunately suffered less damage than most of the south Growing citrus fruits and winter veggies, raising cattle, cutting timber, & tourism made FL $$$ State’s pop. Doubled in 20 years. ½ were AA. AA’s got involved in Gov’t!...19 of 53 elected were AA Jonathan C. Gibbs- FL Secretary of State Josiah T. Walls- 1st AA in FL House BUT 1877 …S. Dems back in control and “Jim Crow” Laws begin including poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clause. i. Debt peonage- AA’s who wanted work got a bus ride to turpentine camps in the FL pine forests in exchange for work  basically sharecropping system

Turpentine Camps

7. Post Reconstruction South *** Use pages 32 and 33 in the Gateway book to list and explain 6 ways how southern states discriminated against blacks and African Americans. Southern Discrimination i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. b. How did African Americans respond?