Economic Inequality: Westfield & Plainfield Union County, N.J. Hi everyone, I’ll be focusing on the towns of Westfield and Plainfield within Union County of New Jersey.
Some context: Jukka & Sinikka Finland Union County, NJ
Plainfield to Westfield
Westfield Plainfield Population % Citizens % Bachelor Degrees House Value Median Income 30,548 96.5% 67.9% $671,100 $146,734 51,217 69.8% 18.5% $242,000 $54,500 20,759 26.7% 49.4% $429,100 $92,234 (2.69X) Be sure to mention the distance between Westfield and Plainfield U.S. Census, 2015
A shared History Westfield Plainfield 1720: Elizabethtown Tract 1850: First Railroads 1901: Westfield to Jersey City Direct Line 1910: Plainfield added
Westfield 9 Parks 10 Schools Pool, Library, Orchestra 17 Houses of Worship 2 Golf Courses Downtown with boutique retailers
Racial Composition U.S. Census, 2015
Household Incomes & Education Level U.S. Census, 2015
Plainfield Degree Types Data USA, 2015
Westfield Degree Types Data USA, 2015
Plainfield Industries Data USA, 2015
Westfield Industries Data USA, 2015
Median House Value U.S. Census, 2015
Home Ownership 80% of Westfield residents own a home worth 2.77X what only 48% of Plainfield’s residents can own U.S. Census, 2015
Economic Inequality Westfield Plainfield USA GINI % in Poverty .499 3.3% .554 23% .486 14.7% U.S. Census, 2015
Appendix I: Union County Comparisons U.S. Census, 2015
Appendix II: Union County House Value U.S. Census, 2015
Appendix III: Union County Incomes & Ed. U.S. Census, 2015