Ancient Greece
What was Greece? Greece was not one country. No central government It was a big collection of city states with many things in common: belief in the same gods, spoke the same language Each city state had its own government. Corinth, ruled by kings, Sparta, ruled by a small group of men, Athens, democracy
City States Can be defined as a central city and its surrounding villages, which together follow the same ways of life First City State was a monarchy, ruled by kings and queens Over time City States became democracies, a government ruled by the people If you asked a Greek where they were from they wouldn’t say, “I’m from Greece” City States often went to war with each other But if someone attacked Greece, they would unite
Athens Intellectual hub of Ancient Greece Government: Democracy Men over 18 could vote. Women and slaves could not. Could get rid of a tyrant with a vote Strong Navy Interacted well with other City States Encouraged art and philosophy
Sparta Strong military Government: Oligarchy, but had a King. Citizens would still vote Spartan men over 30 could vote Didn’t trade much. Either grew what they needed or took it. Produced warriors, all males were trained
Macedonia Home of Alexander the Great Rise to power comes after Athens and Sparta had their time at the top Rules from Greece, to Egypt, to the Middle East, to India Spread Greek culture throughout the world.
Troy Greece’s opponent in the Trojan War War started because a Trojan Prince “stole” the wife of the King of Sparta War lasted 10 years War ends using the Trojan Horse. Troy was burnt to the ground.
Mount Olympus Is an actual mountain in Greece! Greeks believed that the mountain was the home to the Greek Gods. Zeus- King of the Gods, Lord of the Sky Poseidon- Lord of the Sea Hades- Lord of the Underworld Hera- Queen of the Gods, Goddess of Women Ares- Lord of War Athena- Goddess of Wisdom
Olympics Held in Olympia Footrace, javelin, archery, and wrestling Held in the honor of Zeus First Olympics in 776 BC Olympic Truce- athletes and citizens could travel in peace between different city states on the way to the games Used as a political tool to assert dominance between city states
Vocabulary Make sure you have these! City State- an independent city that governed itself Democracy- The citizens rule Monarchy- Kings and Queens rule Oligarchy- A few people rule Monotheistic- One God Polytheistic- Many Gods Tyrant- a cruel and oppressive ruler
Athenian Democracy Let’s figure out who can vote We need a ruling council (two volunteers) Citizens Assembly is the rest of the class If you are in favor of the law being put into place, raise your hand. If you are opposed to the law, keep your hand down
Come up with 3 potential laws. (Write on the board) Could relate to life in Athens or life at Roosevelt Ruling Council will decide what laws to bring to a vote.
We are desperate to beat Sparta at the next Olympic games We are desperate to beat Sparta at the next Olympic games. Everyone has to do five hours of sports practice a week.
People need to spend more time worshipping our goddess Athena, so everyone has to go to the temple and pray four times a day.
To celebrate our recent victory in war against the Spartans, well will have a four day feast, with free wine and food for everybody.
Any other laws we should vote on?
Questions Was Ancient Greece all one country? What is an independent city state? What is a tyrant? Which form of government that we mentioned today would you like to be a part of? Why? How did Democracy work in Athens? What are some similarities and differences between Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece?