Native Language Internet Address: Essential for building effective e-government infrastructure Thanks for giving an appunitity About what? Big pleazure PJ Lee could not come 자기 소개 Introuduction How can build a effective structure? Empowerment Participatent Watching video
A Serious Question Raised Things considered necessary and important for e-development Networking Infrastructure - broadband connections - PC distributions Digital Content Development - information in local language available for locals - great websites with user-friendly environment Will these be enough to overcome the digital divide?
A Simple Analysis Websites Destinations Network Infrastructure Expressways Internet Addresses Road Signs
Road signs all in English? A Simple Analysis(cont’d) Road signs all in English? где я?
Linguistic Groups and e-commerce Non-English 5% Non-English speaking 65% English Speaking 35% English 95% E-commerce Activities Population Source: KADO Source: Global Reach 95% of total e-commerce activities are carried out in English websites. If Native Language Internet Address is popularized, e-government and e-commerce development will be likely to grow drastically.
The Development of Internet Address Evolution of Internet address Simplicity Convenience 3rd Generation Native Language Internet Address Ex) e-México , بايبلوس, 2424, トヨタ 2.5 Generation Internationalized Domain Name Ex) 넷피아.com , 넷피아.kr 2nd Generation English Domain Name Ex) 1st Generation IP Address Ex)
Definition of NLIA 北京大學 トヨタ 삼성전자
Definition of NLIA
Definition of NLIA Известия
NLIA Application PDA IMT Web TV Web 냉장고 핸드폰 일반 PC
E-mail Service using Native Language What is Native Language E-mail Address? E-mail Service using Native Language Using Mail Client Using Web Mail
What is mogaha? ? Website address of the Korean Ministry of Govt. Administration and Home Affairs ?
NLIA Service Example: e-government The Ministry of Home Affairs, Korea, has decided to incorporate NLIA into their e-government service in order to grant easy accessibility to the public. Now every local government and its subsidiaries have their Korean Internet Address.
Election Campaign Advertisement NLIA Service Example:Advertisement Election Campaign Advertisement Type “Roh Moo Hyun” in Korean at your address bar and you can connect directly to Roh’s homepage. The newly elected president of Korea, Mr. Roh Moo-Hyun utilized Korean Internet address for campaigning. His Korean Internet address resulted in 3 times more traffic than his competitor’s.
Essential for Effective E-Government Native Language Internet Address can contribute to the success of e-Government Greater Accessibility Encourages greater participation from the public. Maximize the usage. Govt. office name / Service name = Internet Address offers consistent contact point Native Language e-mail will encourage even more two-way communications between the govt and the citizens.
Empowerment and participation of people achieved! Expected Result of Using NLIA Revolutionary Accessibility Improvement Empowerment and participation of people achieved! Resolve Digital Divide between classes/regions Vitalize E-commerce Activities Improve National Informationization Index
Our suggestion Co-operation for the development and globalization of NLIA system for the benefit of non-English speaking people Take part in the evolution of Internet Address!
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