Lamorinda Community Emergency Response Team Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Lamorinda Community Emergency Response Team I’m Bruce Macler, your instructor I’m a public health toxicologist and risk communicator for USEPA, as well as the coordinator for its Water Emergency Team. I’ve been involved in several federal disaster deployments under the National Incident Management System and the Incident Command System. I’ve also been involved in Lamorinda emergency preparedness activities for the last 15 years Some of you may have similar expertise and experience, and I encourage you to offer your insights during today’s class. My slides are somewhat different from what you have in your book. I’ll direct you as best I can Unit 6: CERT Organization Released: 15 January 2019 Lamorinda CERT
Community Emergency Response Team Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Community Emergency Response Team Personal safety is ALWAYS the number one priority Work as a team Wear personal protective equipment…gloves, helmet, goggles, N95 mask and boots The CERT goal is to do the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number Hope for the best but plan for the worst Visual 6.1 Lamorinda CERT
Why Emergency Response Management? Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Why Emergency Response Management? A disaster happens in your community You’re OK, and want to help You have some emergency gear and some know- how Not much is happening You don’t know what’s going on You can’t even figure out who to ask This slide not in your book Not likely to be successful!! And it has been a problem for professional responders in the past, too Preparing for different emergencies involves determining likely tasks and resources necessary for those tasks. A management structure is necessary to make sure those tasks get done and to provide a leadership and communications structure to handle information and make decisions Visual 6.2 Lamorinda CERT
Need for CERT Organization 01/01/2017 Need for CERT Organization Individual CERT members may need to operate as part of organized CERT units Emergency response events typically require multi-agency coordinated efforts CERT members and units are likely to operate as part of a larger emergency response effort CERT familiarity with common emergency response organizational structures is necessary and expected This slide is not in your book CERTs don’t operate in a void While individual CERT members can address a neighborhood emergency, any larger event will involve emergency response professionals To be most effective, CERTs need to be organized in such a way to help the professionals- and not get in their way!! CERT members need to understand the professional emergency response management structures currently in use (Incident Command System) They may use it as a CERT unit with an operational mission , or they may individually be assigned to units and tasks within the ICS structure. Visual 6.3 Lamorinda CERT
Principles of CERT On-Scene Management 01/01/2017 Principles of CERT On-Scene Management Maintain the safety and health of CERT disaster workers Provide clear leadership and organizational structure Improve effectiveness of response and recovery efforts This is basically slide 6.2 in your book Emergency response MANAGEMENT is different from OPERATIONS. Operations is the doing. Management is the control, oversight and support of the doing Safety first!! In the formal Incident Command System structure, safety is literally the first consideration. A Safety Officer position is expected to be filled and functional for all incidents. The CERTs will benefit from a clear organizational structure with defined jobs and operational chain-of-command Visual 6.4 Lamorinda CERT
Basic Incident Command System Structure 01/01/2017 Basic Incident Command System Structure Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer This is slide 6.18 in your book The professional emergency response community developed the Incident Command System as a standard approach to managing activities Here is the simplified structure. We’ll refer back to this several times tonight I’ll talk you through each part and how they fit together While this was initially developed for emergency incident response, it has proven equally useful for planning events… Any kind of event!! Weddings and parties, as well as emergency drills… Operations Planning Logistics Finance / Administration Visual 6.5 Lamorinda CERT
Incident Command System 01/01/2017 Incident Command System Provides flexibility of resource management Positions filled as needed Modular units Key concepts Unity of Command – each (CERT) member reports to only one person Manageable span of control Common terminology and organizational structure Five major management activities in ICS Command Operations Planning Logistics Finance / Administration This is basically slide 6.5 in your book When a CERT is activated, it will operate under ICS in most cases Flexible structure- 1) what isn’t needed isn’t used. 2) additional units can be added as needed I will elaborate on this later Key concepts Unity of command Common terminology and organizational structure are critical elements of ICS Visual 6.6 Lamorinda CERT
Between 3 and 7 team members Optimally does not exceed 5 team members 01/01/2017 Span of Control Between 3 and 7 team members Optimally does not exceed 5 team members What do we mean by “span of control”? This is slide 6.8 in your book For most situations in the field (and elsewhere), a supervisor can effectively manage between 3-7 staff. This is an element of chain-of-command and helps ensure that leaders are not overwhelmed by staff management duties Visual 6.7 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 ICS Attributes Incident Command System provides: Well-defined management structure Manageable span of control Common terminology Effective communication Consolidated action plans Comprehensive resource management Accountability This is slide 6.3 in your book Touched on the first three already We’ll address communications, planning, resource management and accountability as ICS elements later in this talk Visual 6.8 Lamorinda CERT
Basic Incident Command System Structure 01/01/2017 Basic Incident Command System Structure Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer We’re skipping slides 6.9 through 6.17 Back to slide 6.18 in your book Now we’ll go through the ICS elements Operations Planning Logistics Finance / Administration Visual 6.9 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 ICS Structure General Staff Command Staff This is slide 6.19 ICS is not just a few boxes and titles, but a comprehensive means to organize all elements necessary for a successful response It is organized into a command staff and a general staff The command staff supports the IC The general staff supports the mission Within the general staff, the Operations Section is responsible for field activities. Planning, Logistics and Finance support the effort, usually at a command post or operations center Each position has defined tasks In practice, not all units are used or staffed. Only as needed and as resources are available. If not used, any duties are done by the next higher position Give example of a residential fire Visual 6.10 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Incident Commander Normally assumed by the first person on scene Position may be transferred when a more qualified person arrives The IC is responsible for overall management of the incident Ensuring safety Establishing a Command Post Determining incident objectives and strategies IC will appoint Safety Officer, Operations Chief, and other Command and General staff positions as the incident expands This slide is not in your book For some incidents, maybe only one person is responding. That person has all the ICS tasks If a second person arrives, they may take over the IC duties, or else take on the Safety Officer role (in addition to any other tasks) As additional resources become available, the IC assigns them as appropriate Visual 6.11 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Safety Officer Monitors operations, assesses hazardous and unsafe conditions, and advises the Incident Commander on appropriate mitigations Develops the Site Safety Plan Reviews the Incident Action Plan for safety implications Can halt any operation at any time for safety concerns Modified slide 6.36 The Safety Officer has the authority to stop operations at any time Visual 6.12 Lamorinda CERT
Public Information Officer Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Public Information Officer Responsible for interfacing with the public and media Coordinates communications with other agencies with incident-related information Develops information on the event of general interest for internal and external use Monitors public and media reports Incident Commander must approve release of incident-related information This slide is not in your book Visual 6.13 Lamorinda CERT
ICS – Operations Section Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 ICS – Operations Section Develops the operational tactics Develops the Section organizational structure Branches, Divisions/Groups, Teams Conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan Directs all deployed resources This is slide 6.39 Visual 6.14 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 ICS – Planning Section Collects and evaluates information Validates information into intelligence Develops the Incident Action Plan to accomplish the objectives defined for the event Maintains resource status on all personnel and equipment during the event Maintains incident documentation This is a modified slide 6.40 in your book Visual 6.15 Lamorinda CERT
ICS – Logistics Section Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 ICS – Logistics Section Provides resources needed to support the incident Human and material resources Services for responders Food Communications Medical Support Supplies Facilities Transportation This is a modified slide 6.41 Service and support units all have their own detailed descriptions Visual 6.16 Lamorinda CERT
ICS – Finance / Administration Section Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 ICS – Finance / Administration Section Responsible for costs related to incident Provides accounting, procurement, time recording and cost analysis Not all incidents will require a Finance Section If you want your bills paid or to get reimbursed, keep your receipts and records!! This is slide 6.42 in your book While activity documentation is done in the Planning Section, receipts and bill documentation goes to Finance Section Visual 6.17 Lamorinda CERT
CERTs in Large ICS Structure Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERTs in Large ICS Structure General Staff Command Staff CERT? CERT? CERT? Slide 6.20 in your book So where would CERT members find themselves in a big event? Visual 6.18 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT and ICS CERT Team Leader (Incident Commander) Safety Officer Public Information Officer Slide 6.32 in your book It is also possible for CERT members to work as a team using ICS structure. This may be for CERT or Lamorinda events, for example. Or, CERT may be used as a Strike Team or Task Force in Operations (example, traffic control for evacuation event) For the most part, CERT ICS activities would be essentially identical to standard ICS activities Operations Planning Logistics Finance / Administration CERT ICS Structure Visual 6.19 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Command and Control Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Command and Control CERT Team Leader: “What to do” The Incident Commander (IC) Operations: “How to do it” Manages the teams in the field Planning / Intelligence: “What’s going on” Collects and displays information, makes incident plans Logistics: “How to support it” Manages resources, supplies and equipment Administration: “What gets recorded” Collects, compiles and stores documentation Slide 6.34 in your book The CERT version of ICS is somewhat modified to reflect the general nature of CERT activities and capabilities Visual 6.20 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Team Leader Incident Commander, unless part of larger ICS structure Has overall responsibility for all CERT actions Establishes the CERT Command Post Sets objectives and priorities Assigns personnel as needed Ensures coordination of staff actions and activities Communicates with higher authorities (police, fire, EMS, EOC, etc.) Slide 6.35 Pretty much as any IC Visual 6.21 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Safety Officer Safety Officer's role is to develop and recommend measures to the Incident Commander for assuring personnel health and safety and to assess and/or anticipate hazardous and unsafe situations. Develops the Site Safety Plan, reviews the Incident Action Plan for safety implications, and provides timely, complete, specific, and accurate assessment of hazards and required controls. Can halt any operation at any time for safety concerns Slide 6.36 in your book CERT SO is the same as the previously described ICS SO position Visual 6.22 Lamorinda CERT
CERT PIO: Dealing with the Media Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT PIO: Dealing with the Media Refer media inquiries to CERT Team Leader / IC / PIO Do not let media interfere with CERT goals Do not divulge any sensitive information A modified version of slide 6.37 in your book This applies to all of you. Unless you are the PIO or IC, refer all media questions to them Visual 6.23 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Operations Section Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Operations Section Operations Section Medical Group Leader Transportation Team Treatment Teams Morgue Team Supply Teams Search & Rescue S&R Team A S&R Team B S&R Team C Debris Team A Team B Team C Slide 6.38 in your book Here’s an example of how CERT might organize response operations for an earthquake Visual 6.24 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Planning Section Collects and evaluates information Reports from neighborhood assessments, for example Validates information into intelligence Develops the Incident Action Plan to accomplish the objectives defined for the event Maintains resource status on all personnel and equipment during the event Maintains incident documentation Modified slide 6.40 Visual 6.25 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Logistics Section Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Logistics Section Provides resources needed to support CERT response Human and material resources Services for responders Food Unit Communications Unit Medical Unit (rehabilitation) Support Supplies Unit Facilities Unit Traffic control/ Staging Unit Modified slide 6.41 In the Lamorinda area, CERT, LARIG and MOFD CS 241 provide substantial logistical support for responses and training All these units were stood up for the recent Moraga CC evacuation drill Visual 6.26 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Finance / Administration Section Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Finance / Administration Section Responsible for costs related to incident Provides accounting, procurement, time recording and cost analysis Volunteer time is used for Lamorinda emergency preparedness federal matching dollars. The value in California was $29.09 per hour in 2017 In Lamorinda, we track volunteer hours for CERT, LARIG and MOFD CS 241 activities Modified slide 6.42 Lamorinda Area Radio Interest Group MOFD Communications Support 241 Visual 6.27 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 ICS Planning Process Understand the Situation Establish Incident Objectives and Strategy Events Develop the Plan Prepare and Disseminate the Plan This slide is not in your book So we have covered the ICS organizational structure Now, how is it used? We start with planning and the “planning cycle” Two types: incidents that occur and have to be addressed on the run, and events that can be pre-planned We generally focus on emergencies, and response and recovery activities that happen unexpectedly. There may be limited, conflicting and incomplete situational awareness of what is going on. Tough luck!! Gotta keep going… Planning can also be used for upcoming events where situational awareness is more complete. We focus on response training and exercises, but ICS can effectively be used to plan any kind of event Like weddings and retirement parties! Execute, Evaluate, and Revise the Plan Incidents Visual 6.28 Lamorinda CERT
Typical Questions for Response Activities Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Typical Questions for Response Activities Identify the scope of the incident/event What is the problem? Determine an overall strategy What can be done? Identify and deploy resources Who is going to do what? Document actions and results What resulted and what is next? Modified slide 6.4 Visual 6.29 Lamorinda CERT
Planning for Incidents Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Planning for Incidents Incident/Event Notifications Initial Response & Assessment Tactics Meeting Preparing for the Planning Planning Execute Plan & Assess Progress New Ops Period Begins IAP Prep & Approval Operations Briefing IC/UC Develop/Update Objectives Incident Brief Using ICS-201 Initial IC/UC Preparing for the Command & General Staff The planning “P” is a tool for setting objectives, strategies and tactics It is used to develop the Incident (Event) Action Plan The planning cycle is iterative, and repeats for each “operational period” This slide is not in your book Incident planning largely deals with responses to evolving emergencies, where the “fog of war” makes a thorough understanding of the situation difficult. However, for long-term recovery over weeks to months, it is still a useful tool. Visual 6.30 Lamorinda CERT
Planning for Incidents Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Planning for Incidents The incident planners must take into account the following factors: Time criticality Unstable, changing situation Potential rapid expansion of incident and response Incomplete communications and information Lack of experience managing expanding incidents This slide is not in your book Incident planning largely deals with responses to evolving emergencies, where the “fog of war” makes a thorough understanding of the situation difficult. However, for long-term recovery over weeks to months, it is still a useful tool. Visual 6.31 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Planning for Events The planners for an event should consider: Type of event Location, size, expected duration Number of agencies involved Kind, type, and number of resources required Required facilities and staging areas Kind and type of logistical support needs Financial considerations Known limitations or restrictions Available communications This slide is not in your book Event planning using ICS and planning tools can be very effective. These are some of the considerations for planning events Visual 6.32 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 SMART Objectives S – specific, significant M – measurable, meaningful A – agreed-upon, attainable, action-oriented R – realistic, results-oriented T – time-based, trackable Modified slide 6.7 It setting response objectives, the SMART paradigm is useful Visual 6.33 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Who Does What? Command: Develops incident objectives. Ensures Safety Analysis is completed. Approves IAP. Finance/Admin: Conducts any needed cost analyses. Incident Commander Operations Section Planning Section Logistics Section Finance/Admin Section Operations: Establishes strategies and tactics to meet incident objectives. Planning: Provides status reports, manages the planning process, and produces the IAP. Logistics: Identifies the logistics requirements to support the tactics. Slide 6.28 in your book The Incident (or Event) Action Plan is a compendium of ICS elements that cover all expected activities and situations (Note operational period- March 7, 2017, 1800-2130 hrs) Visual 6.34 Lamorinda CERT
An Event’s Incident Action Plan Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 An Event’s Incident Action Plan Slide 6.28 in your book The Incident (or Event) Action Plan is a compendium of ICS elements that cover all expected activities and situations (Note operational period- March 7, 2017, 1800-2130 hrs) Visual 6.35 Lamorinda CERT
Incident Action Plan Contents Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 Incident Action Plan Contents ICS Cover (IAP purpose and scope) ICS form 202: Incident objectives ICS form 207: Incident organization chart ICS form 203: Organizational assignment list ICS form 204: Assignment list (operations) ICS form 205: Incident communications plan ICS form 206: Incident medical plan ICS form 208: Safety messages Maps, weather forecasts This is not in your book Forms, forms, forms!! The IAP may not contain all elements, but usually does 10-20 pages, depending on size of event Visual 6.36 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Disaster Response Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Disaster Response CERTs: Take care of themselves, their family and their home Survey their neighborhoods for injured victims and property damage using a Rapid Needs Assessment form Report the neighborhood status to CERT Command or the city EOC Wait for a mobilization order Slide 6.43 in your book CERT-trained individuals are expected to address the situation in their immediate neighborhoods following a disaster (earthquake, most likely) The Lamorinda CERT organization , or professional responders, will provide information on community-wide CERT mobilization and deployment Do the greatest good for the greatest number without placing CERT members in harms way Visual 6.37 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Disaster Response Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Disaster Response Organizing is key! Don’t get caught up in the “ICS Rules” Know the concepts and make them work for you Use only those ICS positions that make sense in the given incident Know your resources Maintain situational awareness You will “play how you’ve practiced” Practice by using ICS for routine events (neighborhood parties, weddings, etc.) Slide 6.44 in your book Visual 6.38 Lamorinda CERT
Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 CERT Mobilization CERT Mobilization (When, Where & How) Refer to the Lamorinda CERT Call-out Policy in your binder, and on the website When you self-deploy in your neighborhood, you are doing so at your own risk as a Good Samaritan. In conjunction with the cities and Moraga-Orinda Fire District, Lamorinda CERT will develop and communicate an organization plan for each specific incident Communications must be organized, efficient and effective ICS was developed to assist in the management of incidents of all sizes – USE IT! Slide 6.45 in your book Visual 6.39 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Documentation CERT Documentation is very important Under CERT, each level of authority is responsible for documentation CERT Leader (Incident Commander) Command Staff Officers (Safety, PIO, etc.) General Staff Section Chief (Ops, Plans, Logs, Admin) Branch Director (Area or Function branches) Team Leader (Search Team 1, Medical Team 4, etc.) Individual CERT member You will always be in a team of at least two. Make one a scribe to record everything you find. Visual 6.40 Lamorinda CERT
Rapid Needs Assessment Form Lamorinda has a Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) Form in use by Police, Fire and CERT The RNA form is designed to record what is found in each neighborhood It is recommended that the form be pre-filled with street addresses in your area to aid in the complete and swift assessment of the entire neighborhood. Visual 6.41 Lamorinda CERT
Pre-filled RNA Form Visual 6.42 Lamorinda CERT
CERT Forms Standard ICS forms are used The “Universal Form” is a blank sheet of paper Forms are available for download at the Lamorinda CERT website: CERT forms that should be in every CERT’s backpack include: Rapid Needs Assessment Head-to-Toe Assessment General Message Victim Treatment Area Visual 6.43 Lamorinda CERT
In the End, Calm Heads Prevail! Unit 6 - CERT Organization - Incident Command System 03/27/2017 In the End, Calm Heads Prevail! Cheers!! Any questions? For more details on ICS and how it is used, consider doing the on-line ICS 100, 200 and 700 courses offered by FEMA. They are only an hour or two each, but go into more background and detail Visual 6.44 Lamorinda CERT