Peopling of the Earth
Content Objective Language Objective I can understand the different biomes of the world by classifying, describing and illustrating on a poster paper. I can write to describe the different biomes of the world by using academic vocabulary: tundra savannah rainforest desert migration adapt latitudes
In this section we will be exploring the concept of human migration What are some animals that migrate? Why do they migrate? In this section we will be exploring the concept of human migration
When humans and animals move from place to place permanently. What is MIGRATION When humans and animals move from place to place permanently.
Where in the world did humans migrate?
Causes of Human Migration Wars Why do humans move? What would cause a group of people to leave their home and move to a new area? weather Jobs Climate disasters Food Overpopulation
What is a biome? A natural community that has a certain climate and has certain plants and animals that live and adapt to the area.
How are biomes determined? CLIMATE We group them according to latitudes. High Latitude include tundra, and alpine forest. DRY air, and usually COLD Temperatures Mid-Latitude biomes include grasslands and deciduous forests. MODERATE climates with FOUR seasons. Low-Latitude biomes include tropical rainforest, savanna, and desert. Usually HOT and HUMID
HUMANS adapt everywhere! How do we adapt? HUMANS adapt everywhere! We ADAPT to: Biologically to our homes Climate Land Culture
How do people plan together? What behaviors and ways of living might early humans have brought with them when they began to migrate out of Africa? How do people plan together?
The Importance of LANGUAGE Around the same time that humans started migrating, Language had to have been developed. It was a (Key factor in the human development.
Origins of language part 1 Calls & Gestures Read the article quietly Box and Summarize Create and design a flow chart—any shape and flow you want Talking without Words Symbolic Thought Ancient Images Early Writing
Send me a Message! Divide students into groups of 5 #1-5 In each group, give them a message on a strip of paper Tell them that as a team, they have to come up with a way to communicate that thought WITHOUT words Present to the class and have the class guess what they’re trying to say.
Ponder over this! “Language was our secret weapon, and as soon as we got language we became a really dangerous people” Mark Pagel
Advantages of kinship on language Both language and social networks based on family, allowed hominids to share more ideas, tools and resources. With this, one group could help another group to solve a problem. This way they spread their learning and thinking over larger areas. As people migrated, they took these ideas with them and solved them when they encountered new problems.