Introduction, Quick Review, & Rate of Change (1.3) MAT 181 Dr. Debbie Gochenaur
Jason Aldean - The Only Way I Know That's the only way I know Don't stop 'til everything's gone Straight ahead, never turn round Don't back up, don't back down Full throttle, wide open You get tired and you don't show it Dig a little deeper when you think you can't dig no more That's the only way I know
Forming Groups Groups of 3 Count off from the left
Perceptions What have you heard about this course? The good, the bad, the ugly What can we, as a team, do to change that impression?
Meeting your teammates What do you believe is important to understand and learn in Applied Calculus?
Next – with your group (sit down) What do you believe to be critical characteristics of successful students in Applied Calculus? Click on “Successful Applied Calculus Students”
Mindset (on your own) What do you think is the difference between a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset?
Mindset* is Important! Fixed Intelligence Mindset Intelligence is static You have a certain amount of it Growth Intelligence Mindset Intelligence can be developed You can grow it with actions Dweck, Carol (2006) Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Random House Publishing
Growth Mindset I am firmly in the Growth Mindset camp. I believe that each of you is capable of learning Calculus. Together, let’s work as a team to get you through this semester!
Adjusting to SU (again?) Study skills Time management Work/Life balance Stress management Self-care Honesty, Integrity and Perseverance Seek help
The specifics for our course… the syllabus My Office: MCT284 Office Hours MONDAY (8 to 10:30am), WEDS (Noon-3:00) THURS (3:30-4, some exceptions) Required materials: My Labs Plus access code Digital (comes w/MLP) or hard copy of book Calculators TI-83/84+ Basic +, -, -,
Expectations Complete out-of-class assignments Homework Videos Readings Help your group be the best it can be! Find a Study Buddy
Expectations In-class worksheets Seeking help Complete with your group Not done in class? Keys will NOT (typically) be posted. Check with classmates or see your tutor. Seeking help Office Hours Math tutoring lab – MCT 252 Learning Center
Lastly Academic Integrity Accommodations for students with special needs. Go see Paula Madey ASAP! Horton Hall 120 Course Calendar
Groups You will be working in groups for (almost) every class meeting session!
Let’s do some math!