analyzing the attitudes of various peoples toward the Mongols. D2.His.16.9-12- Integrate evidence from multiple relevant historical sources and interpretations into a reasoned argument about the past.
To Remember When Writing A DBQ Essay! Introduction Contextualization (GLOBAL Connection) (1 Point): Thesis (1 Point): Argument Development (Seen in thesis statement but essay is consistently thesis driven throughout) (1 Point): Body Paragraphs: Use of the Documents (2 Points): Must use the content of ALL documents and provide document analysis of each. Basically, summary and analysis! HIPP (1 Point): For at least five of the documents, go beyond S&A and explain the significance of the document Outside Information (1 Point): Think of the outside information as an 8th document!
Seat Partners Task 8 Minutes! Look over all your documents and organize them into analytical categories (BUCKETS).
Impressed by Admired Wealth Ruthless War Mongers Organization & Protection
Individual Task Overview Write A Thesis First Body/Bucket Paragraph Within your 1st Bucket Paragraph perform at least 2 HIPP’s If Time Permits: Outside Information Statement
Create a thesis! 8 Minutes!
The Thesis Mongol invaders from the Central Asian steppe erupted into relevance in the 1200’s C.E. Driven by their leader, Genghis Khan, to conquer the largest land empire in history, the Mongols created mixed feelings throughout Eurasia. Some had an impressed attitude, admiring both the ability of the Mongols to organize and protect their empire, as well as their great wealth. However, others had a loathing attitude toward the Mongols, who were viewed as brutal and ignorant barbarians. Due to the great success of these conquering pastoralists, the attitudes of the people who encountered them were extremely diverse.
Create a body paragraph! 12 Minutes! Remember to HIPP twice!
First Body/Bucket Paragraph Some people had an impressed attitude toward the Mongols’ ability to organize and protect their territories. Many who felt this way spent time in the capital city, seeing the huge empire function firsthand. The idea that Genghis Khan was a bringer of order and peace is evident, as shown by the Khan’s shaman, (Doc. 1). However, the shaman may have been influenced by his elite position in contact with the Khan himself. Writing in a book that was public, he may have intentionally praised Genghis Khan as a peace-bringer, as it could help advance his own position in the eyes of the Khan. Not only native Mongols, but also European visitors viewed the Mongols as a well-organized, productive force. The Mongols had an impressive system of accountability in the military and good law enforcement in the cities, (Docs. 3 & 5). These statements indicate the belief that Mongol government was both just and disciplined. Lastly, some Muslims also held the Mongols in esteem for their good government, describing how it was possible to travel far and wide in their territories without fear of robbery, (Doc. 8). People in contact with and conquered by the Mongols were not only impressed by their ability to organize and provide peace to their empire, they were impressed by the vast wealth of the Mongols, as well. SAS HIPP SAS SAS
Create an outside information statement! 5 Minutes!
Outside Information Additionally, the Mongols were masters at psychological warfare. People in the potential Mongol path would cower in fear as news of Mongol destruction spread. When Mongol warriors arrived at their destination, a common tactic used was to capture and murder several enemy soldiers early. The bodies would then be catapulted over the walls of the enemy city, in hopes of terrorizing the people into surrender.