President Obamas Cabinet 2011
The Role of the Cabinet The tradition of the Cabinet dates back to the beginnings of the Presidency. One of the principal purposes of the Cabinet (drawn from Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution) is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of their respective offices.
Secretary of State They perform formal foreign functions for the White House. Conduct negotiations with foreign officials and run embassies. Formally accept the Presidents resignation. Secretary Hillary Clinton
Secretary of Treasury Deals with finance and money matter. While it is a cabinet level position, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve is considered the money man for the US Collect taxes & track debttrack debt Secretary Timothy Geithner New York Federal Reserve Chairman
Secretary of Defense Advises the President on armed services and military matters. The Secretary must be a CIVILIAN (who has NOT served in the military for 10 years) The largest department. Secretary Leon Panetta Former Director of the CIA
Attorney General Head of the Department of Justice Concerned with legal affairs and is the chief law enforcement officer of the U.S. Represents the government in the Supreme Court. Attorney General Eric Holder Former Judge of District of Columbia U.S. Attorney and Deputy Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior Oversees Bureau of Indian Affairs, the US Geological Survey and the National Park Service. Controls oil fields and mines. Secretary Ken Salazar Senator from Colorado and rancher
Secretary of Agriculture Concerned with land and food, as well as, agriculture and rural development. Sells extra food to foreign countries. Secretary Tom Vilsack Former Governor of Iowa
Secretary of Commerce Handles business and industry. Works to promote US products and companies globally. Takes census FCC Secretary Gary Locke Governor of Washington
Secretary of Labor Also concerned with business and industry, but from the workers and human resources point of view. Secretary Hilda Solis Representative from California
Health and Human Resources Handles Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as well as Welfare. Looks to help find ways to provide affordable drugs. Secretary Kathleen Seiblius Governor of Kansas
Housing and Urban Development Looks to improve urban housing facilities and neighborhoods. Also looks to provide economic opportunities in cities. Secretary Shuan Donovan New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Secretary of Transportation Looks to maintain and improve the US infrastructure. Handles transportation on land, in air or by sea. (Coast Guard) Secretary Ray La Hood (R) Representative from Illinois
Secretary of Energy Concerned with energy production and regulation. Trying to find alternative fuels. Secretary Steven Chu Physicist and winner of Nobel Peace Prize
Veterans Affairs Concerned with Veterans benefits and their health. Acting Secretary Eric Shinseki (retired) Retired Chief of Staff for the Army
Secretary of Education Broke away from Health & Human Services in Provide education to keep U.S. economy growing. Support NCLB Secretary Arne Duncan CEO of the Chicago Public School
Homeland Security Protect Americans and their property from harm. Works to link the CIA, FBI, NSC, ATF, FEMA, etc to share info and co-ordinate response to attack. Secretary Janet Napolitano Governor of Arizona