QR Codes Enhancing presentations, lessons, the classroom, and more!
QR Codes? What are they? How do they work? QR Code Reader Quick Response Code: An app on a smart phone, tablet, or other scanner reads the corners for positioning. The center is colored black or white in specific locations to provide instructions to the app about what to do. QR Code Reader Quick Mark QR Reader https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/qr-code-reader-quickmark-barcode/id384883554?mt=8 http://www.quickmark.com.tw/En/basic/downloadMain.asp
URLs Link any web address to a QR Code for quick and easy access.
Emails Use QR Codes to create pre-typed emails. Get participant feedback and emails quickly from any mobile device!
Contact Information Add QR Codes to business cards and presentation materials to allow participants to quickly and easily contact you.
Text Content Link students or participants to hidden answers True/False: FSU is the best football team ever! True/False: The new quarterback for the Bucs is Tim Tebow.
Dial a Number Make calling any phone number just a scan away!
YouTube Videos Link straight to YouTube videos for participants to view on their own devices at centers.
Calendar Events Create calendar events for important reminders for parents such as meetings, and other activities.
Audio Files Vocaroo.com let’s you create audio recordings directly in your web browser! Provide verbal instructions for ESOL/ELL students. Please note: Although Vocaroo files can be played on the iPad, they CANNOT be created there – they must be created on a computer. Please note: Vocaroo files are not stored indefinitely.
Let’s Look at Some Examples Use as resources for application problems (Mean, Median, and Mode) Use to help students complete classwork or homework (Scale Drawings) Add resources (stickers or bookmark) to a classroom library book (Dinosaurs Before Dark) Watch a video and then create a graphic organizer (Butterfly) Comprehension questions Guided research (inventors) Audio Files from www.listenwise.com Silly Word Activity Checkerboard Game
Let’s Look at Some Examples Students can also create QR codes Audio file of them talking about their work (parent night) Video of them explaining a concept Create an interactive poster
QR Code Generators Qrickit.com QRStuff.com
QR Code Generators QuickMark (Reader and Generator)
QR Code Generators QR-Code-Generator.com QRHacker.com
Creating a QR Code is Easy! Let’s create a QR code for an audio file on Listen Wise Go to https://listenwise.com/ (you need a free account) Find the audio file that you would like your students to listen to Copy the link Go to a QR code generator website QR-Code-Generator.com Paste the website Download the code Print or present the code to your students
Questions? Please take 5 minutes to think about how you might be able to use this technology strategy in your classroom