Further integrating Teams into the full O365 stack SharePoint Saturday Ahmedabad November 20th 2018 Further integrating Teams into the full O365 stack Peter Ward #Amazing #O365 #Traction
WhO am I - @ Peter Ward { background : “Founder/CTO ", employee : “SoHo Dragon", skill : “SharePoint, O365", books : “Co author of 4 SharePoint books” writing : “Write for Forbes magazine” Co organizer : “SharePoint Saturday New York, Meetup” location : “New York” old school : “Like projects on time and on budget” hobbies : “Yoga, cooking vegetarian food", }
The Audience { Introductions }
Important Information { You do not need to write anything down. Everything, is on my blog. www.wardpeter.com }
Important Information- Repeat Slide { You do not need to write anything down. Everything, is on my blog. www.wardpeter.com }
{ Further integrating Teams into the full O365 stack } Theme { Further integrating Teams into the full O365 stack }
Style of PResentation { Conversational }
How our company uses Teams { Bit of background to SoHo, sharePoint, Yammer, and how we use SharePoint Confusion What’s good and not so good }
The Digital Workspace trend over the years { 2006-2014 } Single Platform
The Digital Workspace trend over the years { 2014-2018 } Distributed Platform (s)
The Digital Workspace trend over the years { 2018+ }
How to integrate to Teams { Power BI Power Apps Flow Stream Bots }
Bots { } Out of the Box Freshdesk Microsoft Azure Example https://portal.azure.com/#@sohodragon.com/resource/subscriptions/696810bd-d480- 4606-a1b8- 240ab2578730/resourceGroups/SPSSohoBot/providers/Microsoft.BotService/botServices/T estAzureBotSoho/overview }
Bot Demo Examples Request time off from an HR bot in Teams (client): https://youtu.be/jhnfbWZf1B0 Request IT help (how to connect to a network printer, in this case) from an IT bot in Teams (client): https://youtu.be/4JSfjvT0Bpk Submit an expense through a support bot in Teams (mobile): https://youtu.be/EWXBYDQ4TVQ
5 Administration Tips https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/company-wide-settings/client-settings Email restriction Remove some of the filesharing Manage who can create Office 365 Groups https://support.office.com/en-ie/article/manage-who-can-create-office-365- groups-4c46c8cb-17d0-44b5-9776-005fced8e618
How to keep up to date with the product road map https://twitter.com/MicrosoftTeams https://blogs.microsoft.com/firehose/tag/microsoft/ https://twitter.com/melihubb https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/ https://twitter.com/thatmattwade https://twitter.com/DarceHess https://twitter.com/sldeere
Bot Code Giveaways Microsoft Bot Builder Samples - https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples Create your own Bot for GitHub: the client - https://chatbotslife.com/create-your-own-bot- for-github-part-2-bc8b5267a280 Creating a Bot Using C# and Microsoft Bot Framework - https://tutorials.botsfloor.com/creating-a-bot-using-c-and-microsoft-bot-framework- a344420f9d6f Pluralsight: Getting Started with Building Bots with Microsoft's Bot Framework https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/microsoft-bot-framework-getting-started- update/table-of-contents { }
Microsoft https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Teams/ct-p/MicrosoftTeams https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/blogs/microsoft-teams-community-call-september-18-2018/ https://aka.ms/microsoftteamscommunitycall
Useful Links https://support.office.com/en-us/article/use-the-image-gallery-web-part- bbcbe560-14a7-4369-8ef5-3255845e3bfd Image gallery Ignite 2018 NYC Microsoft Enterprise Collaboration https://www.meetup.com/New-York-Enterprise-Collaboration-Meetup/
Summary- Key take Aways { How our company uses Teams What’s good and not so good How to integrate to Teams Where to find the cool code to do this How to keep up to date with the product road map QA Code example giveaways }
THANK YOU ! Please give us your feedback Rate each session with SPS Events Portal from https://bit.ly/2DvoGMS
{ t - @HelloPeterNYC b - www.wardpeter.com w - www.sohodragon.nyc } Questions { t - @HelloPeterNYC b - www.wardpeter.com w - www.sohodragon.nyc }