Closed Syllable Word work
What is a Syllable? A syllable is a word or part of a word with one vowel pattern Are the following syllables? thumbs up for yes thumbs down for no
Is it a syllable? bat
Is it a syllable? shp
Is it a syllable? tas
Is it a syllable? chmp
7 syllable types There are seven syllable types: closed open vowel-consonant-e Vowel diagraph/vowel team Dipthongs R-controlled Consonant-le we are going to learn closed syllable this week!
Closed Syllable Rule stop jump Patterns: vc cvc Examples: at if pet only 1 vowel followed by 1 or more consonants vowel sound is short Patterns: vc cvc Examples: at if pet stop jump
The consonant closes the door on the vowel making it a short sound
cat How to label words 1. write the word 2. identify the vowels with a dot 3. identify the syllables with a curved line 4. identify the vowel sound short sound (doesn’t say its name)with long sound (says its name) with 5. identify the type of syllable cat C
How to a label a 2 syllable word 1. write the word 2. identify the vowels with a dot 3. identify the syllables with a curved line 4. identify all the vowel sounds 5. identify the type of syllable fantastic C C C
fitness Your turn Now check your work Label the following word on you white board fitness Now check your work C C
Example of a closed syllable exception Wild identify the vowels with a dot identify the syllables with a curved line identify the vowel sound identify the type of syllable It is a closed syllable because it has a CVC pattern The vowel sound it long so it is an exception to the rule X C
Example of a 2 syllable exception binding identify the vowels with a dot identify the syllables with a curved line identify the vowel sound identify the type of syllable The first syllable is a closed syllable because it has a CVC pattern. The second syllable is closed because it had a VCC pattern. The 1st vowel sound it long so it is an exception to the rule X C C
Closed syllable exceptions Words that end in: -ild (wild, mild, child) -ind (wind, kind, find) -old (mold, told, cold, sold) -ost (most)
Is it a closed syllable? If it is a closed syllable, give a thumbs up. If it is not a closed syllable, give a thumbs down. If it is a closed syllable exception, give a sideways thumbs down.
Is it a closed syllable? bam
Is it a closed syllable? soap
Is it a closed syllable? find
Is it a closed syllable? sun
Is it a closed syllable? Cake
Word work Write this week’s word work words in your journal. Skip 2 lines in between each word. Then label each word; 1.write the word 2. identify the vowels with a dot 3. identify the syllables with a curved line 4. identify all the vowel sounds 5. identify the type of syllable
publish intend topic static correct filled compost English machine
publish intend topic static C C C C C C C C
correct filled compost English machine r C X C C X C C X C C