Early Russian History
Themes in Russian History Expansion by conquest. Need for warm-water ports. The necessity of a strong, central government.
Viking Invasions
Kievan Rus 800 - invasion of Viking tribes– from north of the Baltic. Trade partner and sometime enemy of Byzantine Empire. Rurik est. Kiev Rus Independent city states Tribute to Grand Prince of Kiev Chosen by boyars or nobles
Kievan Rus
Rulers of the Kievan Rus Vladimir I (980) Missionaries – Cyrill and Methodius (980) Vladimir I – Chose Eastern Orthodox over Roman Catholicism Won’t be subject to pope Married the Byzantine emperor’s sister. People accept kings control of Church Brought Christianity and Greco-Roman civilization to Russia. Linked to Byz. politically and culturally
Rulers of the Kievan Rus Yaroslav I (1010 – 1054) Yaroslav the Wise Rulers of the Kievan Rus Yaroslav I (1010 – 1054) Yaroslav the Wise. ( Vladimire’s son Created a Russian law code based on Justinian’s Code Russkaya Pravda Russian Justice Instituted a Golden Age of Kievan Russia. Built churches and a new capital city in Byzantine Style Promoted education
Early Byzantine Influences: Orthodox Christianity Expansion of Byzantine culture northward was through conversion of Kiev to Orthodox Christianity
Influenced by Byzantine Politics Russia adopted the concept of divinely inspired monarchy with close relations to state-controlled church Were unable to adopt the Byzantine trained bureaucracy however
Early Byzantine Influences: Cyrillic Alphabet Byzantine missionaries, Cyril and Methodius sent to convert eastern Europe and the Balkans created the script
Trade Baltic Sea Nations, Baghdad, Byzanatines Exported Honey, wool, hides, timber People greatest resource Used as tribute, sold to Constantinople as slaves Increasing dependence on Constantinople.
Invasions Northern Russians sack Kiev 1169,1204 1240 Mongols (Tartars) invade Khanate of Golden Horde 250 years Moscow collects tribute for Mongols Kiev destroyed.
Novgorod Next largest, muticultural Extensive trade with Baltic and Black Sea Area, Eastern Russia, Western Europe Becomes independent 1100’s. Becomes part of emerging Russian empire.
Rulers of the Kievan Rus Ivan the Great (1462-1505) (1462-1505) Ivan III or Ivan the Great – absolute ruler. Took the title of czar Czar – Absolute ruler of Russia: from Roman word – Caesar Defeated the Mongols, who had gained control of Russia Extended Russian territory
Byzantine Influence on Russia Government Autocracy Czar (Tsar)
Byzantine Influence on Russia Architecture Onion Dome