THREE ELEPHANTS Prof. Deepak B Phatak, IIT Bombay Keynote address at WOSA 2018 Delhi, 8 September 2018 Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
The unfolding century Automation with AI assisted software Internet of Things (IoT) Extensive event tracking Overdose of Information Easy and universal access Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Loss of conventional jobs Predicted by Many PwC report: in 15 years US 38%, Germany 35%, UK 30% … New jobs will be less in numbers Existing jobs will need new knowledge/skills Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
How should education change? Conventional degrees not very useful Courses too long, too rigid Strong silos, lack of breadth Smaller chunks, micro-modules Life-long learning will be obligatory Certification (rather than) degree Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
New role for teachers Past: deliverers of knowledge Online resources Give lectures to explain concepts Conduct exams to assess learning Online resources Available and accessible Now: facilitators of learning Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
The MOOCs avalanche Started less than 10 years ago Great Promise Learning at scale, anytime, anywhere Impact yet to be seen Teachers NOT trained to run MOOCs Students NOT trained to use MOOCs Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Three Elephants Accreditation Confusion Strategy Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
First elephant Course/Subject Content and Conduct defined unit of study Content and Conduct Quality not assessed Changes not tracked Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Conduct/Offering of a course Learning happens ONLY here Live orchestration over a duration Assimilation by each student? Engagement and intervention Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Skilling MOOCs SKANI101X: Animation using blender Each offerings tracked Innovations in learner engagement Significant benefits confirmed Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Second Elephant Confused teachers Confused students How to use technology Which Pedagogy? Confused students How best to engage Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Learner Centric MOOCs Redesign content LeD (Learning Dialogues) Short Videos with reflection points Force an action (quiz/activity) Efforts at IITB Special MOOCs on LCMs FDPs have been redesigned Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Third Elephant What and how? Skills + Knowledge Extend to ALL Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Prescription for Elephant-1 Quality of courses Norms to mandate defined processes Peer review of content Self review for each offering Changes made must be reported Samples to be scrutinized Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Prescription for Elephant-2 Mandate training of ALL teachers How to use technology effectively Pedagogy for online and blended usage Encourage students to adopt MOOCs Train them on proper usage Monitor number of credits acquired Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Prescription for Elephant-3 Shorter courses, smaller credits Skills + knowledge obligatory Include Working Professionals Certification, Industry recognition Include High School students Recognize self- learning Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay
Our Motto Redefine education for 21st century as no other nation has Dr D B Phatak IIT Bombay