Our K5 Classroom News February 2, 2018 Upcoming Events Other Learning Email: nbrunner@allsaintskenosha.org Website: https://allsaintskenosha.org/directory/south-campus/user/151/ Upcoming Events Other Learning Science – What is weather? What is some of the craziest weather we have seen? How can we predict weather by looking at a picture or outside? Why is snow white? Religion – How can we identify those in need and how can we help them? We also made thank you cards for Father Carlos. The story of the Prodigal Son. Math – We worked on the numbers 11(eleven) and 12(twelve) February 7 – Shadow student visiting our classroom Last day to collect pop tabs February 15 – NOON DISMISSAL February 16 and 19 – NO SCHOOL Reminders Reading Letter – Ff Sight words – look, see Other topics – How to fill blanks in sentences with our sight words. Sounding out words. What to include in a card to someone. Social Studies Topics What ways can we help care for the poor? How can we show compassion to those in need. How to use kind words when speaking to someone. Manners, manners, manners --- “please, thank you, ma’am, sir”