Honor The Lord Honor the Lord with your song of praise Come before Him with singing Lift up your hands and your voices raise He is the One who gives us the breath to sing He is the God who breathes life in everything The only Holy Father, Lord God Almighty
Honor The Lord Honor the Lord with your song of praise Come before Him with singing Lift up your hands and your voices raise
Honor The Lord He is the One who calls us by His own name He is the God whose mercy we now can claim The only Holy Father, Lord God Almighty Honor the Lord with your song of praise Come before Him with singing Lift up your hands and your voices raise He is the One who gives us the breath to sing He is the God who breathes life in everything
Honor The Lord Honor the Lord with your song of praise Come before Him with singing Lift up your hands and your voices raise (Repeat) Honor the Lord with your song…of…praise CCLI Song No. 13759 © 1984 Paragon Music Corporation | LifeSong Music Press (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc.) | (Admin. by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc., 741 Cool Springs Blvd., Franklin TN 37067) Greg Davis | Greg Fisher For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI License No. 175879
Above All Above all powers, above all kings Above all nature and all created things Above all wisdom and all the ways of man You were here before the world began Above all kingdoms, above all thrones Above all wonders the world has ever known Above all wealth and treasures of the earth There's no way to measure What You're worth
Above All Crucified, laid behind the stone You lived to die rejected and alone Like a rose trampled on the ground You took the fall and thought of me Above all (repeat) CCLI Song No. 2672885 © 1999 Integrity's Hosanna! Music | LenSongs Publishing | Lenny LeBlanc | Paul Baloche For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI License No. 175879
And Can It Be And can it be that I should gain An int'rest in the Savior's blood? Died He for me who caused His pain? For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! how can it be That Thou my God shouldst die for me? That Thou my God shouldst die for me!
And Can It Be He left His Father’s throne above So free, so infinite His grace! Emptied Himself of all but love And bled for Adam’s helpless race! ‘Tis mercy all, immense and free For, O my God, it followed thee Amazing love! how can it be That Thou my God shouldst die for me!
And Can It Be Long my imprisoned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature’s night Thine eye diffused a quick’ning ray: I woke—the dungeon flamed with light! My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee. Amazing love! how can it be That Thou my God shouldst die for me!
And Can It Be No condemnation now I dread Jesus and all in Him, is mine! Alive in Him, my living Head And clothed in righteousness divine Bold I approach th'eternal throne And claim the crown, through Christ my own Amazing love! how can it be That Thou my God shouldst die for me! CCLI Song # 25280 Charles Wesley | Thomas Campbell Public Domain For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI License # 175879
Lift Up Your Heads Lift up your heads to the coming King Bow before Him and adore Him, sing! To His Majesty, let your praises be Pure and holy, giving glory To the King of kings! CCLI Song No. 19777 © 1974 Birdwing Music | BMG Songs, Inc. (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)ü(Admin. by BMG Music Publishing) | (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)ü(Admin. by BMG Music Publishing) Steve Fry For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI License No. 175879