Etymology Study- Last ½ November Etymology study helps you spell challenging words. It helps you understand new, interesting words. It might make you a word nerd!
Spectacles Speculate Spectator speculation Etymology Study Spec- see (English) Spectacles Speculate Spectator speculation
Hexagon Hexathlete hexasyllable Etymology Study Hexa-six (Greek) Hexagon Hexathlete hexasyllable
Itis-inflammation (Greek) Etymology Study Itis-inflammation (Greek) Appendicitises Arthritis Bronchities Gingivitis
Less- without (Germanic) Etymology Study Less- without (Germanic) Worthless Timeless Weightless Bookless
Dict- speak/say (Latin) Etymology Study Dict- speak/say (Latin) Dictate dictionary Contradict dictator
Monochrome Monolingual Monologue monopoly Etymology Study Mono- alone (Greek) Monochrome Monolingual Monologue monopoly
Microscope Microwave Microbe microbiologist Etymology Study Micro- small (Greek) Microscope Microwave Microbe microbiologist
Pangea Accompanied Company expansive Etymology Study Pan-all (Latin) Pangea Accompanied Company expansive
Etymology Study Find the root word: Prehistory Triangle Uniform Bicycle reappear
Etymology Study Find the root word: Prehistory Triangle Uniform Bicycle reappear