Company Investment Portfolio BusCom2.0.CAU Nov.30.2010 The New Team
Share Prices Growth Trend
IRobot Corporation Incorporated in Delaware in 2000 The IRobot Corporation designs robots
Products Floor Cleaning Robot Pool Cleaning Robot Gutter
IRBT share price trend
Akamai Technologies, Inc. Founded:1998 Headquarters: Massachusetts American Key people: George H. Conrades:Executive Chairman of the Board Industry:Network services
Akamai Technologies, Inc. P/E: 61.06 EPS: 0.84 Beta: 0.79 Share price: 48.43
AKAM share price trend
Ballard Power Systems Inc. Ballard Power Systems designs and manufactures clean energy hydrogen fuel cells. Put fuel cells to work through smarter, clean and reliable power solutions.
Fuel cell H2+O2----->electrical energy Efficiently Clean, no pollution
SWOT Analysis- Ballard STRENGTHS Develop clean energy hydrogen fuel cells Produce electrical energy efficiently with less cost and less pollution Save traditional fuel using in cars WEAKNESSES Not widely used High price Can’t use in daily life
OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Power station, research institute, companies Automotive is trying to product cars with fuel cell engines Potential market THREATS Most individual customers can not use Many industries do not need Need a long time to lower price and be widely used
BLDP share price trend
Company Investment Portfolio Pie-Graph
Conclusion Long-term investment (Sell) Short-term investment HP PepsiCo War-Mart Short-term investment New Oriental Nike (Hold) IRobot Akamai Ballard (buy)
Company Investment Portfolio The New Team E-mail: Phone No.: 031-670-4413