Week 9: 10/22-10/26 IB ENGLISH
MONDAY 10/22
Warm-up “Kittens meet Puppies for the First Time” “Most Tricks by a Cat in One Minute” Very Bad Video “The Black Cat”
Schedule Warm-up: Video STOP BAD FIT packet Finish Poe Biography and Notes (6) “Can Your Genes Make You Murder?” (4) Quizlet: Black Cat Vocab “The Black Cat” Exit Ticket QUIZ “Picture This”: http://knowingpoe.thinkport.org/writer/picturethis_play.asp Dark Romanticism Presentation
Quiz Question In a well-developed paragraph, explain how the concept of the double self (self vs. alter ego) is developed in “The Black Cat.” Refer to the text. Include in your heading: Name (first & last) Date Block Assignment: Black Cat Quiz
“Accidental Wombat Mural in Warrambool” “Doggo Does a Tantrum when Dog Park is Cancelled”
Schedule Warm-up: Video Quiz: Tell-Tale Heart SRI Hand back annotations and Soc. Seminar rubric T-Chart—Protagonists, DR elements Dark Romanticism Presentation Romanticism/Gothic Videos
Reading Inventory 1. Type this web address into your browser: http://www.tinyurl.com/GFHSread180 2. Log –in Username: Student ID # Password: Student ID # 3. Click on the Reading Inventory 4. Complete the Reading Survey 5. Read the Directions, take the practice test. (If you get any questions wrong, the screen will ask you to raise your hand. Please do this and I can come help you!), and then begin!
Remediation Students are allowed retakes for each and every summative assessment IF they meet established criteria. 1. A score of 86% or lower was earned on the assessment. 2. All formative assignments that correlate with the assessed learning target were completed prior to the initial summative assessment. All retake assessments will be limited to a maximum score of 87%. There will be a minimum of a 1 week
Remediation The score on a retake will replace the original score, regardless of whether it is higher or lower. Students who are absent on test dates are ineligible for a retake on a test if they do not take it within three full school days (NOT CLASS MEETINGS) of the original administration. If they take longer than that, they will be administered the retake version and limited to a maximum score of 87%.”
Remediation “Students with unexcused absences during the period connected to this assessment (formative or summative), would forfeit their eligibility to retake assessments.”
Remediation/Retakes Must fill out Retake Request Form Must complete remediation prior to retake Must sign up for retake date on form on the door
10-100 9-95 8-90 7-88 6-83 5-80 4-75 3-70 2-68 1-63 Grading Scale SOCRATIC SEMINAR ANNOTATIONS Percentage on rubric is average of two percentages. So higher is two percentage points above (usually) and lower is two percentage points below (usually). 10-100 9-95 8-90 7-88 6-83 5-80 4-75 3-70 2-68 1-63
10/16, 10/18 SRI—Reading Inventory Poe Biography Video Romanticism Video Elements of Gothic Fiction Unreliable Narrator