SEMESTER EXAM REVIEW Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives Population and Migration Political Organization of Space Industrialization and Economic Development
Geography: its nature and perspectives
Geography: its nature and perspectives
Geography: its nature and perspectives
Geography: its nature and perspectives
Semester exam review Map Projections Maps can be distorted in each of the following ways: Shape Distance Relative size Direction
Semester exam review Places can be named for people, the origin of who settled the location (remember colonialism) Physical environment See pg. 14
Semester exam review Regions can be divided into three types Formal or uniform Functional or nodal Perceptual or vernacular
Geography: its nature and perspectives
Population and migration
Population and migration
Population and migraton
Population and migration Arithmetic and physiologic density Agricultural density
Population and migration
Population and migration
Population and migrATION
Population and migration
SEMESTER EXAM REVIEW Ecumene-places on earth where it is habitable for people to live Population Clusters Three types of density Arithmetic Physiological What factor is included here? Agricultural
Semester exam review Age sex diagrams Gender and five year age cohorts Shapes of pyramid matter Dependency ratio
Semester exam review Demographic Transition Model No countries in stage one Population Explosion in Stage Two Why? Which Revolution? Importance of Women in Stage Three Stage four-MDC’s Stage five-population decline
Political organization of space
Semester exam Review Malthus How population grows vs. how food supply grows Neo-Malthusians
Political organization of space
Political organization of space
Political organization of space
Political organization of space
Political organization of space
Political organization of space
Political organization of space
Semester exam review The five characteristics that must be present to be a state Sovereignty Multinationalism-more than one ethnicity in the same state Differences between each of the following State Nation Nation-state Stateless nation
Semester exam review Types of boundaries Geometric Cultural Physical or natural Antecedent Subsequent Relict Superimposed
Semester exam review Shapes of states Compact Elongated Prorupted Perforated Fragmented Exclave Enclave landlocked
Semester exam review Unitary vs. Federal States Prefix uni means one-has one centralized government Federal states have levels of government with different responsibilities
Semester exam review Cold War Between which two countries Between which two ideologies U.S. Policy to control the spread of communism Allies for each side
Semester exam review Supranationalism vs. Devolution Devolution Examples Breakup of Soviet Union Breakup of Yugoslavia Break up of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia Supranational Examples European Union NAFTA OPEC
Industrialization and economic development
Industrialization and economic development
Industrialization and economic development Rostow wallerstein
Industrialization and economic development
Industrialization and economic development Gender inequality index Gender empowerment measure
Semester exam Review Human Development Index looks at three factors Gross National Income- Life Expectancy Average years of schooling
Semester exam review Five Economic Sectors Primary Secondary Tertiary Quantenary Quinary
Semester exam Gender Inequality Index Gender Empowerment Measure Political participation Labor force participation Maternal mortality rate Adolescent fertility rate
Semester exam review Sustainability Alternative Sources of Energy Using the earth and its resources in a way that they will be around for future generations to enjoy Alternative Sources of Energy Solar Wind Hydroelectric biofuels
Semester exam review The new international division of labor Cheaper labor costs in LDC’s Outsourcing Maquiladoras Deindustrialization in MDC’s
Semester exam review Rostow Wallerstein Five stages of economic development Similar to the Demographic Transition Model Wallerstein World Systems Theory Core Periphery Semi-periphery
Semester exam review Industrial Revolution Hearth Important invention
Semester exam review Weber’s Least Cost Theory Bulk gaining industry Bulk reducing industry Importance of transportation Two influences on transportation costs Distance Weight
Semester exam review Transportation Break of bulk points Four transportation methods Ship Rail Truck Air
Semester exam review Site Factors The physical and human character of a place Labor Land Capital