Pima’s Annual Campus Best Practices
Past Themes Whale of a Good Idea X Factor
Past Themes 2012 Moving Forward 2013 A Boatload of New Ideas
Best Practices Awards 2013 Best Practices Showcase our campuses and their IDEAS, PROGRAMS, INITIATIVES and ACTIVITIES. Each Best Practice Award is considered to be an exceptional model fir us to recognize and, in some instances, become a standard practice throughout the organization.
10 Best Practice Categories 1 Wildcard Category 3 Esteemed Panelists PMI’s Best Practices 93 Entries 12 Campuses 10 Best Practice Categories 1 Wildcard Category 3 Esteemed Panelists 93 Entries 12 Campuses 10 Best Practice Categories 1 Wildcard Category 3 Esteemed Panelists
PMI’s Best Practices Categories Keeping PMI Moving Forward! Campus Kickoff / Team Building • Best Classroom Instruction • Best Community Service • Best Employer Relations • Best Open Book • Best ‘Staffulty’ Appreciation • Best Student Appreciation • Best Financial Aid/Dept Recovery • Best Placement/Career Services • Best Student Success • Best Wildcard • Denver Renton Colorado Springs Mesa Albuquerque Chula Vista East Valley Las Vegas Seattle
PMI’s Best Practices Panelists Fred Freedman President Christopher Luebke Director Lead Management Sue Anderson Regional Director Denver Campus Director
Q & A Time Rules PMI’s Best Practices Informative Interactive Entertaining Campus Pride
Your Attitude = Our Altitude 2013 Kickoff – Denver Campus Working together to achieve an altitude of customer service! Hand out Flight Safety Cards. Your Attitude = Our Altitude
Southwest Airlines & Customer Service Used SW air as model for good customer service and carried over flight theme through the year. Employees had to “Check In” online to RSVP. First everyone was “Wanded” in security. Then everyone checked in outside class and received their Boarding Pass with seating group on it and Passport. The Boarding passes had our Promises on them as well (ex, communicate) Classroom set up like inside of plane with Seating Groups A, B, C, narrow aisles, O2 masks, rope lights for aisles, aviation music. While getting seated flight attendants served juice, coffee, tea, and peanuts.
Complete with Flight Attendants We had flight attendants that passed training…and those who did not... Giving safety talk. Remember, flights are Non-smoking! Even for Leanna.
Flight Safety Cards A1 – Walk the Talk B1- Recognize Individual Needs Monthly Destination Meetings A1 – Walk the Talk B1- Recognize Individual Needs C1 – Be Respectful D1 – Foster Positive Attitude A2 – Communicate B2 – Listen C2 – Be Reliable D2 – Strive for Excellence Every seat had a flight safety card, on back 8 “promises” we wanted all employees to adhere to take customer service to next level. To begin mtg, announcement over microphone that we reached cruising altitude and bfast was served. While everyone eating bfast we presented our 2013 kickoff theme. After b-fast, gave them break to get into individual groups (aka Flight Crews.) Objective of each flight crew was to focus on a customer service process for each month (we called Flight Plan). We carried our theme through whole year. Monthly destination Meetings consisted of 3 parts. 1. Customer Service Presentation: Each group assigned a month to lead a cust service themed presentation. You can see these on the slide. Monthly Destination Meetings
Posting Critical Numbers Second part of meeting was Critical Numbers Update. We used Blue Angels Delta formation and tied this to our 6 critical numbers. During meeting we reviewed the #s, and posted in Employee Lounge Monthly Destination Meetings
Monthly Customer Service Recognition 3. During month employees were asked to put in nominations of outstanding customer service acts they witnessed. The day before each Destination Meeting the kickoff committee met and reviewed every nomination and chose the top 3. The descriptions placed on central bulletin board in copy room for all to see. At Destination Mtg, employees recognized which was great reminder to everyone how to go above and beyond. Winners received Jean Day Stickers or Gift Cards. They also had their passport stamped indicating they were submitted into a drawing. Finally, @ end of year, a drawing done for grand prize. The more slips you had in, the more chances you had to win. Grand Prize = SW ticket since SW is known for customer service. We had a ton of employees who were seen giving great service. Truly helped us refocus on seeing the students as our customers. I think it was beneficial for all of us. The attitude has stuck and carried over into 2014 even though it is no longer out theme. Monthly Destination Meetings
A Boatload of Winners! PMI’s Best Practices Each campus will receive a binder of the 11 Best Practices for 2013 Best Practice newsletter coming to the campuses in June and highlights all of our Peak Performers & Best Practices A Boatload of Winners! Thanks to all of you for making waves and sailing along for a great ride!