Regionalism and Realism in Literature HISTORICAL FORCES The Passing of the Frontier. . . Can best be symbolized by the capture of Apache chief, Geronimo. In December of 1890 the last remnant of Sioux was massacred at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. The Period of Reconstruction. . . This was a difficult time in America, filled with financial and political scandals. Industrialism. . . Between 1865 and 1914 the United States moved from an agricultural society to the greatest industrial power in the world. The population migrated to the cities. Darwinism. . .The Origin of Species electrified the scientific world. Not only that, the Bible and the traditional view of Creation came under attack.
2. DIRECTIONS IN LITERATURE Regionalism could be considered a transition between the romantics and the true realists. They emphasized details of local settings and regional dialect, yet writers like Bret Harte concentrated on unusual characters (more a romantic trait). Realism became the dominant literary form in the United States in the late nineteenth century. It includes: a. Emphasis on common everyday life b. Usually common characters from the middle or lower classes c. Often local dialect d. Has little or no regard for the mystical or supernatural The three most significant realists included William Dean Howells, Henry James, and Mark Twain. Naturalism became the extreme expression of realism, applying the ideas of Darwin to the human plight. Jack London is probably the most popular example.