Contraceptive and Reproductive Technology
Contraception (birth control): intentionally try to prevent pregnancy Different forms of contraception have different rates of efficiency.
The most common type of condom is the male condom Condoms The most common type of condom is the male condom It fits over the penis to catch any secretions, including semen. Hyperlink to condoms video
Oral Contraceptive Pill The pill contains a combination of estrogen and progesterone, which works to suppress the normal ovarian production of these hormones and so prevents ovulation. Hyperlink to birth control video
Contraceptive Injections Contain a form of progesterone called progestin, that is injected into a muscle. The hormone injection prevents ovulation. Depending on the type of contraceptive injection, it may need to be administered every one, two or three months. Hyperlink to video
Intrauterine Device Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) are inserted into the uterus to help prevent pregnancy. Two types: 1. Hormonal 2. Copper Hyperlink
Permanent form of birth control! Sterilization Permanent form of birth control! Women: tubal ligation (tubes tied) Hyperlink Men: Vasectomy