from the Latin mollis – soft) MOLLISOLS from the Latin mollis – soft)
Characteristics prairie or grassland soil dark-colored surface horizon highly fertile, dark surface horizon rich in calcium & magnesium (based) found in climates with pronounced dry season 7% of glacier-free land surface
Mollic Epipedon mollisols are often classified by a deep surface (A) horizon typically 60-80 cm long-term addition of OM from plant roots soft, granular soil structure defining diagnostic feature
Suborders Albolls — wet soils; aquic soil moisture with an eluvial horizon Aquolls — wet soils; aquic soil moisture Cryolls — cold climate; frigid or cryic soil temperature Gelolls — very cold climate; mean annual soil temperature < 0 °C Rendolls — lime parent material Udolls — humid climate Ustolls — subhumid climate Xerolls — Mediterranean climate
sources Brady, N.C. and Weil, R.R. (1996). ‘The Nature and Properties of Soils.’ 11th edition. (Prentice Hall, New Jersey). Buol, S.W., Southard, R.J., Graham, R.C., and McDaniel, P.A. (2003). ‘Soil Genesis and Classification.’ 5th edition. (Iowa State University Press - Blackwell, Ames.) PETERS FAMILY FARM near St. Peter, MN