Fitriana Dewi Parsih Isabella Nilam M Siti Fatimah GROUP 1 INTRODUCTION TO ICT IN LANGUAGE LEARNING Fitriana Dewi Parsih Isabella Nilam M Siti Fatimah
What is ICT ? ICT ( Information, Communication, and Technology) is generally defined as technology functioning to support the process of communication and convey the information. ICT makes people are able to communicate and share information.
Component of ICT Information It means the processed data in a meaningful and purposeful form. In language learning, the information is the object which we acquire, transmit, and exchange to get the most benefit of it. 2. Communication Communication is interaction process between communicator and communicant. Communicator conveys messages to the communicant in a certain time and space by certain media and method. 3. Technology Technology means the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as language learning.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) CALL is defined as the study of application of the computer in language teaching and learning.
BENEFITS OF ICT Exposure to ‘authentic’ language Access to wider sources of information and varieties of language Opportunities to communicate with the outside world A learner-centered approach Development of learner authonomy
ICT in General Context
1. Standard office application Word Processing Microsoft Word Write letters, report etc. Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel Analyze financial information ; calculations ; create forecasting models Database Software Oracle , Microsofot SQL Server, Acess Managing data in many forms, from basic lists (e.g customer contacts through to complex material (e.g catalogue)
Desktop publishing Graphic software Presentation software Microsoft Powerpoint Make presentations , either direcctly using a computer screen or data projector. Publish in digita format via email or over the internet Desktop publishing Adobe in Design, Quark Express , Microsoft publisher Produce newsletter, magazines and other complex documents. Graphic software Adobe photoshop and Illustrator , Macromedia Freehand and Fireworks Create and edit images such as logos , drawings or pictures for use in DTP , websites or other publications
2. Specialist Applications Sage , Oracle Manage an organization’s accounts including revenues /sales, purchases bank accouns etc. Accounting package Computer Aided Design (CAD) CAD is the use of computers to assist the design process. Specialized CAD programs exist for many types of design : architectural , engineering, electronics, roadways. Computer Aided Designs Software that allws business to better understand their customers by collecting and analyzing data on them such as their product preferences , buying habits etc. Customer Relations Management (CRM)
Hypertext , Hypermedia and Multimedia In 1945, the concept of hypertext was pioneered by Bush ,He described the system , the Memex (memory extender) in his article “ As we may think” In 1990 Nielsen states that all this (memory extender) is conventional, except for the projection forward of present-day mechanism and gadgetry Bush envisaged that he created cross-references within and across documents and in this point , the memex was created based on microfilm and eyetracking technology to enable users to follow cross-reference with ease.
Some systems of hypertext which have recently , been developed and marketed included Notecards developed at Xerox PARC , and KMS from knowledge System Inc. , Guide from OWL International.and etc Anzel , et al (1992:124) states that “ the recent interest in hypertext concepts in computer science can be explained by the fact that we can now support non-linearity with computers, thus making it much easier and faster for a reader to follow up cross references. In 1967, Nelson coined the term “hypertext”. Bush’s idea stimulates him to create a project of a single on-line database of the entire literacy corpus of the world called Xanadu.
What is Hypertext ? In general sense : non-sequential reading and writing. Karen (1998) : A link connects words or sentences in one electronic document to relate information in another document. Lucarella (1990) : A system to manage a collection of information that cn be assesed non-sequentially. The hypertext system enables users to explore or open any information available in any document without starting from the first document sequentially : he , on the other hand , may choose any information of their interest non- sequentially.
Hypertext and Hypermedia The term “Hypertext” , traditionally , implies that the system is solely related to plain text. As recent developments have found there is possibility of connecting hypertext with other media such as graphics, animation or sound , the term “hypermedia” , then sometimes used to highlight the multimedia aspects in system Users of hypermedia systems can link together information of any media type provided by current technology (Smith,1988)
Advantages of Hypertext Ease of tracing references Ease of creating new references Information structuring Global views Customized documents Modularity of information Consistency of information Task stocking Collaboration
Problem with hypertext One of major problems encountered when working with hypertext system is helping the user visualize how the information is linked together. Conklin stated that the orientation problem is accounted for the hypertext which offers more freedom that enables users to move and hence a greater potential for the users to become lost or disoriented.
Business Product catalogues and advertisements Organizational charts and policy manuals Annual reports and orientation guides Resumes/CVs and biographies Treaties, contracts, and wills Newsletters and new magazines Software documentation and code
Information resources Encyclopaedias, glossaries and dictionaries Medical and legal reference books Religious and literary annotations College catalogues and department guides Travel and restaurant guides Scientific journals, abstracts, and indexes
Personal learning Produce and disseminate instruction and explanation Repair and maintenance manuals Time lines and geographical maps On-line help and technical documentation Cookbooks and home-repair manuals Mysteries, fantasties, jokebooks Hypernovels and hyperpoems
The application of hypertext for educational purposes, especially for creating CAL ( Computer Assisted Learning), is due to its interactive capability and flexibility. Hypertext is well suited for open learning applications where students are allowed freedom of action and encouraged to take the initiative.
What is the advantage for teacher? It helps teacher to expand the notion of text including pictures, sound, music, animation, and video.
What is the advantage for user (student) ? As it is a non-sequential system, it allows student to read any topic of information without the necessity of reading from the first topic. It helps student with clearer explanations, descriptions, illustrations. The student or user can choose and learn any topic of his or her own interest.
HYPERTEXT IN LANGUAGE LEARNING Hypertext can be implemented in learning of all language skills and language aspects. LISTENING SPEAKING READING WRITING VOCABULARY GRAMMAR