All About Me!!!! *Michael Alan Christopherson *Born: 11/02/1979 in Breckinridge MN *Age: 22 *Occupation: Teacher/Coach *Height: 5’10” *Weight: 160
My Family To the left is a picture of my family at my brother’s wedding. My mom (Mary) and dad (Randy) are in front. In the back are my sister (Nicole), me, my brother (Matt), and my sister-in-law (Amy). The picture above is of my niece. Her name is RyLeigh Ann Christopherson. She is the daughter of Matt and Amy. She was born on Valentine’s day of 2002. (Photo used with permission from Mark's Photographic Images, Inc. 27984 US Highway 281 Armour, SD 57313 1-800-897-1010)
My Hobbies
Things You Wouldn’t Know About Me????? I was on the college rodeo team & rode bulls. I enjoy driving eighteen wheelers. This was one of my summer time jobs. I like to bake and cook. But most of all, I like to eat.
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