Review of Planning Department November 19, 2018 2019 Operating Budget Review of Planning Department November 19, 2018
Planning Department Planning Department Housing & Community Development Redevelopment Planning & Zoning Provides support to Zoning Enforcement and Parking Enforcement. Police is a direct report to Assistant Borough Manager
Summary 2019 proposed Budget for General Fund includes: 2018 2019 Change Revenue $306,282 $352,254 $45,972 Expense $1,078,094 $1,132,076 $53,982 NET $771,812 $779,822 $8,010
Revenue Fees and fines remain the same for 2019. The Borough was successful in its efforts with the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development to receive an award of $500,000 in HOME program funds. This award includes 6% for use for administration. Federal HOME and CDBG funding levels were up in 2018 and projected to stay stable in 2019, which results in better 2018 EOY performance for administrative revenue.
Expenditures 2019 budgeted expenditures for Planning is up a total of $8,010 or 1% from 2018 budgeted expenditures. The 2018 staffing levels in the Planning Department of six (6) full-time, one (1) part-time, and one-and-a-half Staff Assistants changes to include a new full-time planner to support redevelopment efforts. Operating expenses drop by nearly $35,000 due to reduced need for professional service for the Heritage State College project.
Program Highlights Planning is a staff-intensive department with a mix of legally mandated responsibilities and mission-driven efforts. Key Planning Responsibilities: Meet MPC requirements Perform mandated subdivision & land development review Enforce the Borough’s zoning ordinance Ensure federal requirements for HUD programs are met, by the Borough and Sub-recipients Manage a growing portfolio of affordable housing and economic development activities Staff multiple ABCs, the Redevelopment Authority and Zoning Hearing Board
2019 Priorities Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update Continue working with Council, PC & ZRAC on setting policy for the first draft of the comprehensive zoning and Subdivision & land development ordinance Neighborhood Plan Implementation Work with the Redevelopment Authority to continue implementing and revising the Neighborhood Sustainability Program Implement the local historic district (HARB) Work with housing partners on a new mixed-income rental housing project Launch a borough-wide housing marketing campaign in partnership with SCCLT & THF
2019 Priorities Continued Downtown Plan Implementation Continue working with the RDA on the State College Town Centre Project Work to identify public and private funding sources to assist in redevelopment projects – both real estate and public infrastructure Prepare for opportunities for public space improvements along Calder Way Short-Term Rental Licensing Develop licensing procedures for short-term rental projects and revise the Borough’s Zoning Ordinance regarding Tourist Homes (pending court action) GIS Expansion & Enterprise System Integration
2019 Priorities Continued Apply for Pennsylvania Keystone Communities designation Additional planning staff dedicated to working in downtown, west end and adjacent neighborhoods to implement redevelopment projects and targeted housing programs Designation creates priority access for project funds from PA DCED (up to $500,000 per project with local match), funding for a commercial façade project and priority access to the Neighborhood Assistance Program tax-credit program Prepare to meet redevelopment challenges and opportunities at Fairmount School, Glennland Building and other possible public-private projects
Bellaire Court Bellaire Court is a 18-unit senior citizen apartment building for low-moderate income citizens Key Administrative Responsibilities: Housing: Lease & tenant management, income certification, waiting list Public Works: Maintenance, snow, on-call duties DHNS: Property inspection in coordination with CRCA Police: Evening and weekend calls
Revenue Rents are based on a cost-burden of 30% of adjusted monthly income to be paid for housing costs. Income cap at 60% AMI All rents for 2019 are based on re-certifications Rental income is rising from 2018 levels to $109,620 Interfund Transfer accounts for remaining gap between revenue and expenses: Interfund Operating Transfer in 2019 of $56,555
Expenditures Operating expenses increase to $124,851 (12% increase) Professional services expense for Public Works service calls for maintenance at the facility are stable Additional appliance replacement and water treatment costs are anticipated Other indirect allocation decreased by 17% for the Bellaire allocation ($41,324)
2019 BUDGET CALENDAR Agenda Item Date Transmittal to Council and Review of Executive Summary October 30, 2018 Review of Parking November 5, 2018 Review of Receipts, Tax, Information Technology, Insurance Reserve, Finance, Administration and Police November 13, 2018 Review of Planning, Regional Programs and Neighborhood and Community Services November 19, 2018 Review of Public Works and Capital Improvements November 20, 2018 Public Hearing December 3, 2018 Final Review and Wrap Up December 10, 2018 Adoption December 17, 2018