Rob Pople, for Ecosystems LTD Update of Article 12 species checklist: feedback on written consultation Rob Pople, for Ecosystems LTD THE N2K GROUP European Economic Interest Group
Introduction National extracts of draft Art. 12 species checklist sent (with introductory paper) by ETC/BD to members of Expert Group on 29th July Member States asked to check details of national lists – e.g. species presence in relevant seasons (‘B’, ‘W’ & ‘P’), occurrence categories (‘PRE’, ‘ARR’ & ‘EXBA’), SPA trigger status and Annex-II status Deadline for feedback (e.g. proposed additions or corrections) of 20th September. Also forwarded to AEWA Secretariat (on 11th August), but no feedback received.
Overview of feedback Some response received from 14 Member States: AT, BG, DE, EE, ES (incl. ESIC), FR, HR, IE, NL, PL, PT (incl. PTAC & PTMA), SE, SI and SK 12 Members States returned Excel files capturing proposed amendments, deletions and additions (with explanations for these), as requested Most proposals related to country-specific changes (which can be confirmed bilaterally), but some feedback of more general relevance / interest…
General feedback (1) Proposed additions of ‘Passage’ season reports for taxa that not SPA trigger species nationally Ongoing national reviews of occurrence status of species, e.g. ‘regular’ (vs ‘occasional’), and… Retention of possibility to update detail of national checklists in reporting tool / when report submitted Proposals to change agreed population size units, incl. Calidris [=Philomachus] pugnax (to ‘bfemales’)?
General feedback (2) Proposal to extend comprehensive winter reporting to two more spp.: Haliaeetus albicilla and Otis tarda? Inconsistency in ‘reporting obligations’ between MS, linked to differences in national SPA trigger status Relevance of Annex-II (part A or B) species listings in the case of non-native populations? Disagreement with some of taxonomy/nomenclature in updated EU Bird List (per HBW–BirdLife checklist).
General feedback (3) Proposals to reinstate subspecific reporting for few taxa not meeting revised criteria (<20% of MS) Problems distinguishing subspecific taxa proposed for separate reporting (incl. Columba livia livia & domestica and two ‘forms’ of Podiceps auritus) Proposal to report separately on ‘new’ taxon, not currently recognised as species in EU Bird List: Muscicapa [striata] tyrrhenica.
Next steps Response to Member States on detail of proposals Check of listings for Annex II species (for Section 10) Completion of ‘audit’ of national SPA trigger status Assess impact of taxonomic/nomenclatural changes in vol. 2 (passerines) of HBW–BirdLife checklist Draft of final checklist for March 2017 Final agreed checklist by end of April 2017. Thank you!
Example of (sub)national checklist extract