Kassondra Hensley Rm 23 6th grade Back to School Night Kassondra Hensley Rm 23 6th grade
Important Dates & Information Band on the Run- August 28th Work habits/ Contract Choir- Wednesday after lunch Debate- August 27th More information at the front of the school with Shayona Camp Meeting: October 17th at 6pm Technology support: October 17th after Camp Meeting Bring Insurance Information Sixth Grade Camp- Camp is scheduled for the week of November 26th. The cost for camp as well as all 6th grade activities, yearbook and t-shirt is $369 payable by the week of October 1st Do not order a yearbook for your child. One will be ordered out of the 6th grade dues. Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences October 1st- October 5th
Daily Schedule (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) 8:15 - 9:00 Morning Routine (Mondays- Assembly, Tues & Fri- PE) 9:00 - 10:00 English Language Arts (Mondays- Computer) 10:13 -11:30 Math 11:30 - 12:20 Social Studies & Science 1:00 - 2:00 Writing 2:00 – 2:45 Enrichment/ Intervention
Goals and Expectations Convey to your child that effort is key and mistakes are good! Prepared to enter Junior High (accountability & responsibility) Become classroom scholars Develop a ‘Growth Mindset’ View each child/self as an individual with unique talents and capabilities Multiple intelligences
Classroom Discipline / PBIS Classroom jobs/teams Classroom economy PBIS aligned (Strikes & Trading Cards) Reminders- Reminders are issued in a fluid manner, meaning that if your student receives a reminder or two, they have the opportunity to improve their behavior and wipe the slate clean! Behavior is in the hands of the students and they are ultimately responsible for their own actions and their behavior grade. We are not always perfect all the time. Your student will have every chance to remedy poor behavior and control their grade.
School and Playground All school rules and homework policy will be enforced Students with incomplete, late, or missing homework will receive a HOMEWORK TICKET. All students are expected to be safe, responsible, and respectful in and out of the classroom. Students who are not displaying all-star behavior will receive a strike. Students following playground rules, helping others, and/or demonstrating good sportsmanship will receive a TRADING CARD, that they may exchange for a pencil (5 cards), a restaurant certificate (25 cards) or grade level rewards (various amounts).
ART, BAND COMPUTERS, & P.E. Computer lab twice a week (Mon, Thurs). 10 Chromebooks in the classroom. PE two days a week which include our weekly run to the lake and back. This is a grade and students need to participate! (Tues, Fri) Preparation for Junior High, where the timed mile is a requirement for a grade Art will be incorporated across the disciplines Band and Strings will be on Mondays and Thursdays during class time. Students will be expected to make up any work they missed while in band.
Olympiad, Police Academy, Entrepreneur Day, Walk through the Ancient World, End of Year Party, Promotion… All of these activities help to make 6th grade at Country Springs a very special year for your child. More information pertaining to each event will be sent home. We need your support to help make these events successful. Any time you can volunteer would be greatly appreciated!
WRAP-UP Remind Code for Sign-up Pirates23 Miss Hensley’s Classroom Website You may contact me via email or Remind anytime Kassondra_Hensley@chino.k12.ca.us Remind Code for Sign-up Pirates23 Every week I will send home a yellow folder. Inside will be graded work, weekly behavior grade, special notes to communicate events, etc. You can also write notes in your child’s agenda! WRAP-UP
Curriculum All curriculums follow the Common Core State Standards utilizing creativity, collaboration, critical thinking and communication.
LANGUAGE ARTS Focus on informational texts, word origins, word relationships, outlines, notes, summaries, report, expository critiques, narrative analysis, literary criticism, and forms of fiction, plot, setting, and tone. Writing includes narrative, expository, research, response to literature and persuasive compositions
Online access to materials through Big Ideas! MATH Online access to materials through Big Ideas! Instructional time will focus on four critical areas: Connection ratio, rate and percentage to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems. Completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers. Writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations. Developing understanding of statistical thinking. Students also work towards fluency with multi-division and multi-digit decimal operations.
SOCIAL STUDIES World History and Geography including: Paleolithic Era, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Kush, Ancient Hebrews, Hinduism, Buddhism, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Greek Mythology, Ancient China Ancient Rome.
SCIENCE http://www.nextgenscience.org/ Life Science- Growth and development of organisms, inheritance of traits, and variation of traits. Earth and Space Science- Weather, Space and Climate Physical Science- Energy, Energy Transfer Engineering, Technology and Applications of Science