Mentor Subject Conference and Briefing


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Presentation transcript:

Mentor Subject Conference and Briefing Wednesday 3rd October 2018 The University of Brighton Secondary Partnership

Mentor Subject Conference and Briefing 4.30-5.00pm Introduction Tom Newlands (Postgraduate Secondary Programme Leader and PGCE RS Route Leader) Andy Davies (Deputy Head of School, ITE co-ordinator) 5.00-6.30pm Subject Time

The University of Brighton ITE Partnership

2017/18: Thank You Record student outcomes again 99% grade 1 or 2 (58% grade 1) 98% of trainees rated the overall quality of training as good/very good (2017/18 End of Course Survey) 97% of trainees agreed that the quality of their placement was good/very good (UoB Survey) 99% of trainees said feedback from mentors was good/ very good in helping them to make progress

Trainee Feedback 2018 “They have given support, guidance, laughter and their time and care to help me to get through the course and placements. I can’t thank them enough” “My mentors have been incredible and have helped me to consistently improve my teaching practice” “My mentor was absolutely brilliant in providing me with a range of teaching experiences and high quality feedback” “Outstanding leadership and vision within the department, modelled by members of staff which provide examples for trainees”

UoB ITE Partnership Priorities 2018-19 Core business In partnership we train the best teachers who will make a significant contribution to pupil learning and progress, demonstrating the highest standards of professionalism and enhancing the life of their school community.

Secondary Improvement Priorities To strengthen trainees’ ability to make accurate and productive use of assessment (Teachers’ Standard 6). To enhance trainees’ confidence and competence in effective classroom management (Teachers’ Standard 7). To ensure that trainees are equipped to successfully fulfil their wider professional responsibilities (Teachers’ Standard 8). So that trainees: are equipped to improve outcomes for all pupils with particular attention to diminishing difference; have appropriate skills and knowledge to be well prepared for their NQT year and a successful career in teaching.

Priority 1: Strengthen trainees’ ability to make accurate and productive use of assessment (Teachers’ Standard 6). University-based training: Review of university inputs including TS6 bulletins on marking & feedback, more able and tracking and monitoring Please can you: Induct trainees to school and department policies and structures Provide access to data and tracking information about pupils and classes Support mentor time to model and later use data and tracking to support trainee understanding

Priority 2: Enhance trainees’ confidence and competence in effective classroom management (Teachers’ Standard 7). University-based training: Review of university inputs including TS7 bulletin on establishment phase with new classes Please can you: Induct trainees to school and department policies and structures Support trainees to carry out focused observation of experienced practitioners focusing on classroom management

Priority 3: Ensure that trainees are equipped to successfully fulfil their wider professional responsibilities (Teachers’ Standard 8). University-based training: University inputs on role of form tutor, PSHE and Citizenship and British Values. Please can you: Support time shadowing form tutors and gradually taking on more responsibility Support time for trainees to observe PSHE and Citizenship lessons Help trainees to engage in parents’ evenings and phone calls home Enable trainees to understand teaching assistant role by taking on and evaluating role

Keys to quality and how to make the most of school support 6 Keys (see SPiE p. 14) Trainee role Warm and welcoming induction, including safeguarding Ongoing and supportive informal guidance and advice Effective regular mentor meetings Individualised training and development opportunities Constructive, personalised verbal and written feedback Accurate assessment using grading descriptors Friendly, respectful disposition, read documents, respond to communications Respond positively, take notes, carefully consider, act Be prepared, upload asap Engage, identify opportunities, be curious, know your handbooks Be open, analyse, seek to understand, recognise strengths Contribute to discussions, utilise descriptors for development, upload all feedback asap

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UoB Resources for Trainee Teachers studies/placements/resources-for-trainee-teachers.aspx

Professional Tutor and Mentor Handbook Section 1: Secondary Professional Year School-Based Training 2018-19 - This section outlines expectations and procedures for trainees and mentors during school-based training. It includes key contacts, expectations, tasks and information on assessment processes. Section 2: Professional Development in the Secondary Professional Year (PD and the e-Portfolio) Please have the e-Portfolio open in weekly mentor meetings.

Developments to PTM Handbook: Section 1 - Updated SBT Tasks (pp.8-15) - Fulfilling Wider Professional Responsibilities: Pastoral Role PSHE and Citizenship Communicate effectively with parents and carers Deploy support staff effectively (p.20) Trainee Assessment Milestones (pp.17-18)

Timetable SBT1 p.6 Initial periods of observation of experienced teachers, then assisting them in the classroom i.e. individual and small group work, team teaching - leading to increased responsibility. By start of November (as a guide) trainees will be taking over responsibility for some of the classes increasing to 40% of a teacher’s normal timetable based on mentor judgement.

In addition … 1 period a week as a TA (outside of subject specialism) 1 period a week for a mentor meeting 1 period a week for preparation for the mentor meeting 1 period a week for updating e-Portfolio and action plans 1 period for school Professional Studies programme 1 period of observation Completion of school – based tasks (pp.8-15) and observation should take place in addition to this. Once established, there can be further additional enrichment activities for trainees meeting grade 1 expectations (See p.22 Appendix 2) TN In addition to a 40% teaching timetable trainees should have …

.. our expectation for trainees appropriate to this stage of their training is that they … (p.6) Assume increasing responsibility for the attainment, progress and outcomes of the pupils they teach (with the support of mentors, class teachers and the professional tutor); Demonstrate increasingly confident judgement in planning for pupil progression within individual lessons and are beginning to plan over time for this; Set challenging tasks, based on secure subject and curriculum knowledge, drawing on understanding of the pupils’ prior attainment which has been obtained through informed use of assessment and data; Develop the ability to employ engaging and effective methods that support pupils in reflecting on their learning.

Questions? Feedback? Support? Contact us: Direct access to forms, guidance and handbooks: TN Please note the following … The second on ei the blog Sarah mentioned earlier.

Subject Briefing Rooms   Room No. Art and Design Sally Johnson D130 English Anne Denmead A500 Geography Sharon Reilly B503 Mathematics Paraic Treacy C122 MFL Karen Murray-Hall A501 Religious Studies Tom Newlands B502 Science Brian Marsh & Sarah Poore E235