Building an Indestructible Life Dealing with Sin: Ours and Others (Matthew 7:1-6)
Dealing with Sin: Ours and Others Matthew 7:1-6
Judge Not…….? Matthew 7:1-6 Jesus tells us not to judge others when we have our own problems with sin! It’s often easy to see the sins of others, but not so easy to see our own sins (Romans 2:1-3). We will receive back the same standards that we apply to others (Luke 6:37-38).
Judge Not…….? Why is it so hard for us to recognize or admit our sins? We may rationalize, minimize, or explain them away (e.g. Saul in I Samuel 13 & 15). We may think the good that we do makes up for them. (Matthew 7:21-22). We fear it may hurt our image or standing with others (John 12:42).
Judge Not…….? Why is it so hard for us to recognize or admit our sins? We may believe that rule keeping and teaching correct doctrinal positions are more important than moral behavior (Matthew 23:23). Our lack of knowledge of God’s word may keep us from knowing when we sin (Hosea 4:6).
Judge Not…….? Matthew 7:1-6 God sees our hypocrisy (Mt. 7:5). Before we correct others, we must first address our own sins (Mt 7:5; James 1:22-25). God is not condemning all judgments and actually expects us to make judgments according to His word (John 7:24).
Other things to remember when correcting others Requires gentleness and attention to our own temptations (Galatians 6:1-2; 2 Tim 2:25). We must be careful in what we say and how we act toward other Christians. We can’t speak evil of them (James 4:11). We can’t have wrath and bitterness, but instead need kindness & forgiveness (Ephesians 4:31-32). We must make sure we don’t condemn others for things that God hasn’t condemned (Romans 14).
Other things to remember when correcting others One person’s sinning against another must first be handled person to person (Mt. 18:15-17). First try to settle the matter between you and the other person alone. If that doesn’t work (1) take one or two more with you; (2) notify the church (3) withdrawal. Our forgiveness from God depends on our willingness to forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15).
We must have the right motive when correcting others Not to win an argument (2 Tim 2:24). The goal must be saving the person’s soul (James 5:19-20).
The Right Motivation? Consider the Jews and woman of John 8 Why did the Pharisees bring the woman to Jesus? Verse 6: They were testing Him in order to find a reason to accuse Him. Who was missing? The man! Indicates they weren’t really concerned about applying God’s law but were only concerned about trapping Jesus.
The Right Motivation? Consider the Jews and woman of John 8 Why did the Pharisees walk away without stoning her? Verse 9: Jesus’ words apparently convicted their consciences. What did Jesus tell her? He didn’t condemn her. Note that no witnesses remained. Go and sin no more!
How do we go about Correcting others? The circumstances may dictate the approach/method to use (Jude 22-23). In some cases a stern rebuke may be needed. Jesus’ rebuke of the Pharisees (Luke 11:37-52). Paul’s confrontation of Peter (Gal 2:11-12). Stephen’s accusation of the Jews (Acts 7:51-53).
How do we go about Correcting others? The circumstances may dictate the approach/method to use (Jude 22-23). In other cases a more tender, less confrontational approach may be more appropriate. Jesus’ dealing with the woman caught in adultery (John 8). Jesus’ dealing with His disciples (Acts 1). We must recognize the spiritual maturity of the one in need of correction (I Cor 3:1; I Peter 2:2).
What is our attitude when receiving correction? A scoffer or wicked person will hurl abuse and perhaps injury, hatred (Proverbs 9:7-8). A wise person will appreciate it, learn from it, and will love the one giving it (Proverbs 9:8). A fool is right in his/her own eyes, but a wise person listens to counsel (Proverbs 12:15). As iron sharpens iron…..(Proverbs 27:17).
Dealing with Sin: Ours and Others Matthew 7:1-6 We must address our own sins before attempting to address the sins of others. We will receive back the same standards of judgment that we apply to others. It’s often hard for us to recognize our own sins. We must have the proper motive when correcting others. We must be gentle, forgiving, and kind.
Dealing with Sin: Ours and Others Matthew 7:1-6 Sins between brethren should first be addressed between themselves. The approach we use may depend on the particular circumstances. Our attitude when receiving correction demonstrates our level of wisdom.