“ Simple is good.” “Not all simple is easy.” Modified UNL-PPC/NEMA A Model That Works “ Simple is good.” “Not all simple is easy.” Modified UNL-PPC/NEMA
10 STEP MODEL EMERGENCY PLANNING Assemble the Planning Group or Team. Examine the Hazard Vulnerability – or Changes in the Community Establish Task Assignments Conduct Resource Analysis Define Roles and Responsibilities Under the Plan
10 STEP MODEL EMERGENCY PLANNING Ensure the Management Structure is Adequate Revise Existing or Prepare the Written Plan Obtain Consensus and Approval from Employer and Participants Distribute and Implement the Plan Revise, Up-date the Plan: Test, Event, Time
Assemble the Planning Group or Team Diverse community representation – ‘Champions’ Dynamics Roles & Responsibilities for this effort Communication protocols Governance or Management Structure Subcommittees
Current Hazard-Vulnerability Analysis Examine the Hazard Vulnerability – or Changes in the Community Current Hazard-Vulnerability Analysis Changes capabilities, new infrastructure, populations Threats: physical, predictable, controllable, socio-cultural, ecological
Establish Task Assignments Team Leader Leverage strengths, shared work load Expectations, standards, timelines Team training needs – orientation Assemble Review, Update existing plans
What’s available, who controls them People, equipment, services, money Conduct Resource Analysis Identify resources needed for each function What’s available, who controls them People, equipment, services, money How to involve owners
Define Roles and Responsibilities Under the Plan Specific or legal responsibilities defined Agreements to participate if not mandated Understanding of R / R of others Nurture relationships Recruit new agencies / organizations / community support
Ensure the Management Structure is Adequate Role of the County/City/Village Board is clear Role of the EOC is clear (MACC) Role of the Incident Commander is clear Role of Direction and Control is clear Conflicts or resolved prior to incident Communications network is clear
Revise existing or prepare the written Plan Meet new standards, requirements Reflect the real world Incorporate best practices, current capabilities, new directives, guidance Formal agreements executed, MOUs, usage agreements, Mutual Aid, … .
Obtain Consensus and Approval from Employer and Participants Present, inform, educate … Who is in charge of what and do they know it? Resolutions of acceptance, county, city, village, region, etc. Signature page
Distribute and Implement the Plan Strategies to distribute Plan: With distribution, determine what level of acceptance by mgt. , “workers bees” Determine how best to help orgs implement Plan into daily operations
Revise, Up-date the Plan : Test, Event/Incident, Time Training, exercises, “hot wash” AARs Events: “hot wash”, AARs, Log reviews, reports, community reaction Time: required to update, revise, new threat, capability, personnel, change in environment
Simple is good Simple may not be easy