What are some pros and cons of solar energy? Walk-in Copy the question and answer in your notebook. What are some pros and cons of solar energy?
answer Some advantages of solar energy are: it will never run out, it is clean and does not create pollution, and it is available everywhere in the world. Some disadvantages are: you cannot use it at night or on cloudy days, it is hard to store, and solar panels are expensive to build and run.
Solar energy and the photovoltaic effect Using the sun’s energy!
Question: how does sunlight get converted to electricity?!?
Two kinds of solar energy 1. Radiant energy Provides light energy and heat energy. Used by plants for photosynthesis. Needed to keep our planet the optimal temperature for life on earth.
2. Solar energy to produce electricity from the PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT. Follow along as we create a diagram to explain it…
The photovoltaic effect Sunlight contains PHOTONS, or “packets of energy”. When photons hit a solar cell or solar panel made out of SILICON, they “loosen” electrons.
The electrons move through wires as an electric current, and can power appliances and devices.
Examples of solar panels
Can solar energy be stored? Solar panels cannot produce energy at night or during cloudy periods. Solution: Photovoltaic panels can charge rechargeable batteries during the day, and this power can be drawn upon in the evening.
Video clip Watch this video clip about how the PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFECT occurs in silicon, and some of the pros and cons of using it!