Coach Folsom & Coach Gaddy Welcome to P.E. Coach Folsom & Coach Gaddy
GOALS Physical Education Goal PE Objectives: All students will meet or exceed standards in Physical Education PE Objectives: To teach students teamwork and cooperation with classmates To teach the rules governing various physical activities To develop student interest in physical activities
What to expect in PE
Units 1st nine weeks Fitness Concepts and Testing Touch Down or Indoor Soccer Floor Hockey 4 way volleyball Badminton Basketball
Units 2nd Nine Weeks Teams sports Life time sports Individual Sports Individual fitness ** We will let you know specifically which units you will have at the beginning of the 2nd nine weeks.
What to wear in PE Students MUST bring a complete change of clothes for PE NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Students may wear the following: T-shirts or sweat shirts Gym shorts or sweat pants Tennis shoes or sneakers Socks
What NOT to wear in PE Clothes you wore to school Sleeveless shirts (No tank-tops) Mesh/see-through shirts Shirts that do not FULLY cover your belly when arms are raised overhead Spandex shorts, boxer shorts, cut-offs, zip-away pants or pajama bottoms Shorts or pants that are too tight, rolled up, and/or sag Sandals, slip-ons, sling backs, backless shoes of any type, platform shoes, boots, dress shoes, heels, and roller shoes
Examples of Appropriate Clothes
Grading Formative Assessments= 40% Summative Assessments= 60% Dressing out Participation Summative Assessments= 60% Written Tests (there will be a final exam) Skills Tests Observation
Formative Grading Dressing out Participation Dress out grade for each unit If you dress out 5 out of 5 days, then your dress out grade is a 100 If you dress out 4 our of 5 days, then your dress out grade in an 80 If you dress out 3 out of 5 days, then your dress out grade is a 60 Participation Participation grade for each unit If you participate 5 out of 5 days, then your participation grade is a 100 If you participate 4 our of 5 days, then your participation grade is an 80 If you participate 3 out of 5 days, then your participation grade is a 60 ** If you do not dress out or participate then it will be very difficult to pass the tests.
What happens if you do not dress out?? First dress cut = copying the dress out rule once Second dress cut = copying the dress out rule twice Third dress cut = copying the dress out rule three times and parent contact Fourth dress cut = detention Fifth dress cut = office referral
Lockers Each student will be issued a combination locker for P.E All belongings, including purses, phones, wallets, watches, and jewelry, should be locked up in the assigned locker. Any items missing because of lockers being left open are the responsibility of the student. Lockers of friends or siblings will not be opened for retrieving clothes or possessions. Do not tell other students your combination nor use anyone else’s locker.
Locker-Room Rules Enter through the front door. Exit to P.E. through back door once I dismiss everyone Once you finish changing into P.E. clothes sit on the benches near the back door Check under the white board to see what time you need to be ready to leave the locker-room. If you are not ready by the designated time you will receive a consequence If you are ready and seated you might receive PBIS points Once you finish changing back into school clothes, line up in the hallway near the front door Exit to next class period through the front door
Locker-Room Rules Continued Keep the locker-room door closed until the bell rings for class change Do not leave the locker-room early Do not leave the locker-room without permission You will not be allowed to leave the locker-room to get P.E. clothes or anything else once you enter (no one is allowed out of class during the first 10 minutes of each class period book per school handbook) Use your own locker… I will not open friend’s lockers
Locker-Room rules continued No horseplay/fighting No running No Chasing Do not throw anything No screaming Only use appropriate language Do not turn the showers on Stay off of the mats Do not touch P.E. equipment without permission Try to use the restroom/get water in the locker-room before class starts Check the white board to see what we will do in class.
Excuses from PE A written note from a parent or guardian will excuse you from participation in P.E. for that day. You will be expected to dress out depending on the illness/injury. A doctor’s note will excuse you from dressing out and is required if you are unable to participate in physical activities for five or more consecutive days. You will be given an alternative assignment when unable to participate. Upon early dismissal from P.E., please send a note from home informing us of what time the student will be leaving. Not dressing out will NOT excuse you from participation
Rules Rules Rules!! Follow school wide behavior plan Tardy Policy Follow PE dress code Locker Room Rules Gym Rules Consequences Rewards
Admin Rules No one is allowed to go to the front office unless there is an emergency Must have a pass for water and bathroom One person per class only (no pairs) Must sign in and out You cannot leave the class the first 10 minutes of the class period.
Gym Rules No food or drink, including gum and candy Phones are not allowed in the gym No horseplay Students are not allowed in the equipment closet without permission Be respectful of self, others, teachers, and equipment Be aware of your surroundings Show good sportsmanship Remain quite when the teacher is talking When entering the gym, sit on your number Follow ALL directions
Consequences Verbal warning, Citation, lunch detention, office referral 300 jumping jacks Behavior Rule Automatic referrals Fighting Insubordination Disrespect Intentionally breaking equipment Cursing at the teacher
What else? Deodorant is recommended, but should not be in a glass container or a spray container. Clothing should be washed at least once a week. Students needing athletic braces, mouthpieces, or asthma inhalers should have them on a daily basis. Jewelry should not be worn during P.E Write your name in each piece of clothing with a permanent marker.
Intramurals Intramurals will be held before school Monday through Thursday. Students who choose to participate must sign in between 8:00-8:15 a.m. Students will be informed of opening day during morning announcements. Activities vary and will be announced throughout the school year through Coach Folsom’s blog.
Be Safe Use space awareness Only get equipment with permission Wear appropriate gym clothes and shoe Play without jewelry Wear athletic braces and use inhalers as prescribed
Be Responsible Bring appropriate dress out clothes and shoes Throw away paper towels in the locker-room Put ALL clothes and valuables in YOUR locker
Be Respectful Use equipment for its intended purpose Treat others as you want to be treated Use GOOD sportsmanship Be a TEAM player Remain quite during stretches/exercises and during instruction Follow all teacher instructions